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( part two, chapter forty-four )

THE REVELATION THAT FREYA MIKAELSON, their older sister said to be dead, was actually still alive came as a shock to everyone, with both Klaus and Elijah questioning how she was still alive. There wasn't a single doubt in Elle's mind that she wasn't Freya, and she believed that this mystery woman was indeed her older sister that she'd only heard stories about. If Elle was alive after a thousand years, then she knew there was a strong possibility that she's truly Freya.

Although, it still had completely shocked Elle that she had left to go upstairs into the study. She had promised her siblings that she'd try to find the woman so they could get the truth from her, and left up the stairs. She let her other siblings argue downstairs.

Elle looked down at the grimoire. It was open to the section holding locator spells. She flicked her fingers and the candles that were holding down the map of New Orleans were brought to life, small little flames on their wicks. She picked up the athame, piercing her finger, which caused her to hiss with pain, before allowing her it drip onto the map. She lifted up her hands, shutting her eyes and started to chant.

"Phasmatos tribum nas ex veras," she said in a low voice, "sequita saguines, ementas asten mihan ega petous."

She continued to chant it several more times but instead of seeing flashes of the woman, it was like she slammed into a wall. Sudden and surprising but then it felt like she was slipping through the cracks, like she was breaking through 一 but Elle realized it too late that she was not breaking through. Someone was forcing her past the wall, allowing her to gaze at the person behind the barrier.

"Hello, Katrielle," a gentle voice said. It belonged to a pretty blonde woman with green eyes. Her hair wasn't the same shade of Rebekah's, however; it was golden, like the setting sun. "It's nice to meet you."

Elle suddenly looked around herself. She was in a large clock tower, to a church she did not recognize. "What the hell?" she whispered. "Where am I?"

"The belltower of Saint Louis," the woman replied and she clasped her hands in front of her. "I could feel your magic trying to break through my barrier. You're very strong for someone so young."

"I think you and I both know I'm not that young," Elle replied. "Isn't that right, Freya?" Freya smiled and looked down, biting her lip. "You let me past your barrier spell, why?"

"I knew that you were not Dahlia," Freya said, "and I thought you deserved to meet your older sister."

The brunette gestured to the room around them, ignoring the name Dahlia. "Then how am I talking to you? I cast a locator spell, not a projection spell."

Freya smirked. "You were already trying to find me. It wasn't that difficult to hijack your spell." She looked up at the rafters. "I'm sure you have questions for me."

"You bet your sweet ass I do," Elle murmured then realized what she said. "Not that I was staring at your ass! You know, because that'd be weird! But I'm sure yours is nice." She internally cringed at her words.

Freya giggled. It was a soft and sweet thing, and Elle was glad to see that they were already getting along. "It's nice to see that at least one of my siblings still has a sense of humor after so long," Freya chuckles.

"Me too," Elle says. "But you don't have to convince me about who you are. I believe you, Freya."

"You do?" Freya raised a delicate brow, tilting her head in confusion.

"Yeah." Elle nodded and stuffed her hands in her pockets. "Trust me, when we officially meet in person, I'll give you a hug, welcome you into the family, and explain the very confusing life that is me."

The blonde nodded and smiled at Elle. "I'd like that." She looks briefly out the window. "I should let you get back to our brothers. Gods know you need it."

Elle chuckled. "'Gods'?" she echoed. "I think when we also see each other, I'm gonna fully educate you on the twenty-first century."

"Until then." Freya nods to her as a sort of goodbye, and Elle is suddenly back in the study.

She gasps loudly, sitting up and pressing her hands against the ground to support herself 一 wait, the ground? When she looks down, she realized that she had fallen onto the floor, passed out for who knows how long. She picked herself up, and placed her palms on the table. She saw that her blood had left a long trail towards a large dot.

She grinned to herself. Freya was here, in the church not very far from here. Hopefully, she'd get to meet her sister soon.

A/N: holy shit what is this
chapter this is a hot trash

also, if you absolutely love
legacies, please PLEASE do
me a huge favor and check out
my new story murphy's law!!

SHE PROMISED ( the originals )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon