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( part two, chapter thirty-nine )

LYING ON HER BED, ELLE TIGHTLY CLUTCHED the bottle of bourbon in her hands. Yes, she knew that she shouldn't be drinking since she wasn't even twenty-one, let alone eighteen, but she felt she deserved it after all the shit she'd gone through.

Her life a lie, her mother a horrific blood traitor, her brothers manipulators 一 it was like her life was a bad soap opera. So she lifted the bottle once more to her lips and allowed the burning liquid to slip down her throat.

The only other time she had gotten drunk was about a year ago, before she had gotten swept into the mayhem that are the Mikaelsons. She'd gone to a party with Kaleb, crashing it because they had nothing else to do on a Friday night, and that was the night Elle had discovered bourbon. Luckily, Kaleb had cut her off once she started dancing wildly on the couches, knowing full well that once she did that, she'd probably start singing something awful and run around naked or end up in someone's bed. Unluckily for her, however, she woke up with a killer headache and a teasing Kaleb at her bedside.

She missed Kaleb. She missed his stupid comments and his terrible attempts at flirting with her, despite the fact they were all in good fun. But now he was gone; Elle had no clue if that meant he was dead or he was buried deep in the recesses of his mind. So she took another sip of the burning drink just for him.

Elle sat up, her neck sore from being in a comfortable position, and heard the front door open. "Elle! I'm home!" she heard Cordelia chirp and drop her keys on the counter.

She hadn't too much to be blackout drunk but she did have another where some of her words were slurred. "Deeeeeeelia!" she cried, pushing herself out of her room. "You're hooooome!"

Cordelia raised a brow at her. "Are you drunk?" She slowly approached Elle and took a step away, waving her hand under her nose. "You smell like sadness and booze."

"I just had a little," Elle hiccupped. She held up her fingers to show that she had just a little, her forefinger and thumb squeezed to show the little space between the two. "I've been going through some things and let me tell you, I needed some of that liquid courage to tell you."

"Okay..." Cordelia said, slowly moving Elle to sit on the couch.

"Esther Mikaelson is technically dead!" Elle cheered, leaning back on the couch. Words were tumbling from her mouth so quickly Cordelia had to slowly piece together the words. "I mean, she's alive... but now, she's sorta dead." She gave a weak shrug and then leaned against her sister. "I never thought I'd be glad to hear my mother's sorta of dead... hmm..."

Cordelia backed up, eyes narrowed at Elle. "Wait, what? What do you mean 'Mother'?"

"Riiight! You don't know yet!"

"Elle, what haven't you been telling me?"

"Guess who got their memory back?" Elle sang, wiggling her eyebrows. "This girly right here! And I-I'm a Mikaelson, bored and bred!"

Ignoring the misphrasing, Cordelia stood up. "What the hell are you talking about?" She clenched her fist and she could hear something shatter in the background but she ignored that as well. "How the hell are you a fucking Mikaelson?"

"Some kinda magicky-mumbo-jumbo." Elle gave a strange shrug, waving her hands wildly in the air. "Are you mad at me?"

"Mad? Am I mad? What kind of question is that?" She looked furious, with her eyes narrowed in a glare and her fists squeezed tightly at her side. "You've been lying to me for God knows how long and 一" She cut herself off, placing a hand against her forehead. "That's why you and Kaleb have been acting so weird lately."

"We 'ave not been acting weird!" Elle said, standing up and jabbing a finger into her adoptive sister's chest. "I've been acting p-perfectly normal!" She placed a hand against the couch for support.

"You have been acting so weird for the past few months. Do you honestly think I haven't noticed?" She turned her back and pushed back the sob in her throat. "How could you not tell me this? After everything we've been through, you couldn't trust me?" She shook her head and stopped herself from continuing. "No, no, I am not having this conversation with you now. You're drunk and you probably won't remember any of this!"

"Alriiiight!" Elle chirped and pushed herself away from the couch. "Imma head to sleep now. See you later!"

A/N: i have never once
written a scene where
someone's drunk so
that's probably shit (:

also my bby's gonna be in
some pain these next few
chaps BUT there will be
some good happening
to her later

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