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( part two, chapter fifty-eight )

NOT LONG AFTER THEIR MEETING in the dining room, Elle had met with her sisters, Hayley, and Jackson. She gave Jackson a reassuring smile before helping her sisters with the spell. It wasn't that she didn't like Jackson (in fact, she thought he was a hella cool guy), it's just that she didn't really know him. The only time Elle had talked to (or even seen) Jackson was at his wedding to Hayley and when she was hand-delivering them the wedding pictures. But from their two meetings, Elle thought he was a nice enough guy for Hayley, and if the hybrid was happy, then so was she.

She watched as Freya painted an infinity symbol across Jackson's bare chest. "By doing this, we should be able to trace Dahlia's signature all the way back to the source of her power. But I'll need to dig deep." She turned to her younger sisters. "Rebekah, Elle, if I may channel you?"

While Elle was ready to help out, Rebekah looked almost reluctant. She knew that her sister (in the crazy witch Eva's body) was a bit uneasy doing magic, seeing as when they were human, she never tapped into that powerful source. And Elle knew that Rebekah was still uncomfortable after the whole ordeal with Eva coming back into power. But the brunette reached over and squeezed Rebekah's hand. "You got this, Beks," she said with a grin, "just do what we do."

Rebekah smiled in return, grateful for her sister's kind words.

The three witches linked hands, standing around Jackson as he lay down, with Freya and Rebekah at his sides with Elle at the head. "Inveniere potencia reparon malificia," they chanted, over and over like a mantra they hoped would get stuck in their heads. Elle tried to drown out Jackson's pained groans as she chanted the spell.

A quick flash interrupted her thoughts, the image of Dahlia suddenly appearing behind Freya and holding her shoulder surprising her. Rebekah must've seen the same thing as Elle, for the two ripped their hands back.

Freya said, "Rebekah, Elle, we need to continue."

Elle shook her head, pressing the heel of her palm against her temple in the hopes of soothing the raging pain against her brain. "We can't," she said in a low tone. She looked back up at Freya. "Do you know?"

The blonde witch knitted her brows together. "Know what? We need to finish this if we're to stop Dahlia."

"You're the reason Dahlia is able to cast such powerful spells," Rebekah said, looking at Freya with a look of pure shock. "She's channeling you!"

Elle took a slow step towards Freya, who was looking down at herself in both guilt and surprise. "Frey, please tell you had nothing to do with this."

"I had no idea!" Freya started to shout, pacing nervously. "She must have found me! She wants to use you against me!" Elle wanted to reach out and hold and reassure her older sister. Whenever she would have panic attacks, it was always comforting for someone to come in and tell her that she'd be all right and it wasn't her fault.

Hayley growled, lunging towards the frantic witch. "Get away from my husband!" she hissed, pushing Freya away.

Elle took a step forward, grabbing Hayley by the shoulders. "Hayls, calm down! She didn't know!" She pulled her friend further away from her sister, and turned her around so that Hayley was facing her. "It's not her fault!"

The young witch knew that this wasn't Freya's fault, it couldn't be. After hearing her story, Freya was the living proof of how awful a person Dahlia was, of what she could do to someone and what she was ready to do to her family. Elle wanted so desperately to believe her sister and know that literally no matter what may happen, she could trust her older sister. And yet there was a small part of her that felt somewhat betrayed; she trusted Freya, and while she knew that she wasn't consciously doing it, it felt as though she was aiding Dahlia more than her own family.

Rebekah was the first one to break the uncomfortable silence that formed around the group. "Freya, I want to trust you, I do. But you said it yourself 一 you're bonded to Dahlia. I'm sorry, but it's better if you go. Please."

Elle looked to Rebekah in surprise. How could she say that? Yes, she was unknowingly aiding their evil aunt into taking them down, but she didn't know! And if they just let Freya go, where would she go? Freya has been running from Dahlia since the moment she escaped her, so she can't go back to her, and now her own blood is forcing her to leave.

And yet, those thoughts did not stop her from letting Freya leave the Abattoir.

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