"We just became partners and because I've learned this already at my old school I was asking him questions about the project we have to work on. I won't go into detail because I don't think the class wants to know how interspecie mating and just how the animals are birthed." I batted my eyes innocently.

"But if you want to I can. A male whale can actually impregnate-"

"That's enough." The teacher interrupted as laughter filled the room. "Next time focus and talk about science in your science class. Don't distract others. Back to what I was saying..."

Josh was laughing next to me and Loren had a smile on her face. Leo was chuckling and Austin had his face down. But I saw his shoulders moving up and down letting me know he found my little "show" enjoyable.

"Remind me to call you if I ever need to get out of trouble." Josh whispered in my ear. I whispered back, "bad move, with me around you'll probably get into more." I smiled at him even though it didn't reach my eyes.

Josh didn't seem to notice it and smiled back at me. We all started doing our work again and would whisper back and forth here and there. I would catch Austin looking at me from time to time but I pretended I didn't notice it. I also pretended I didn't notice the way it made me feel.

I was doodling on my paper when I looked back up. Austin was staring at me intensely, like he was trying to tell me something I didn't understand. I licked my lips because they felt dry and I saw Austin's eyes follow my tongue.

My breath caught and we just stared at each other. I had the strong primal erge to just grab him by that stupid tie and kiss him. My eyes widened at my thought, making me lose this staring contest. I quickly looked away and covered my red checks with my hands.

Why the hell did I think that? My hormones are wack right now. I haven't had sex since my break up with- "What did you get for your analysis?" Leo intruded my thoughts. He was turned and looking at me.

"Um, I got...um, wait. What? Analysis?" I stated in confusion. My words jumbled from my earlier inappropriate thoughts. He just smiled, "Yeah, the political cartoons she put up." he said slowly with a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Oooh, yeah. Haha, totally zoned out there. Which one did you want?" I asked, trying to hide my awkwardness. Loren and Josh were eyeing me. Josh had a smile on his face, clearly enjoying watching me embarrass myself. and Loren seemed interested but more on the annoyed side.

"The second one. I have no idea what is going on." He said honestly. I chuckled and told him the really shitty answer I wrote. "Honestly i didn't know either. Just decided to make an inference based on this week's lesson." I told him while he was looking at what I wrote. "Well clearly you're smarter than me. I thought it was some tentacle porn." I snorted loudly at his surprising answer.

"I don't even want to know how you thought it was tentacle porn. I feel bad for any mind readers in your classes." I said sarcastically. He winked at me and turned back towards the screen. Today was a boring lesson, we just took notes the whole time.

And I avoided looking at Austin the rest of the time. From embarrassment from my earlier thoughts and just because his gaze is distracting.

Class was almost over, so in the excess time we had to answer seven questions on the board for our exit ticket. She doesn't even look at them so i don't see the point. But i did it anyway just in case she actually did for once.

Some of the girls in class got up and walked over to Austin when they were supposedly done with their answers. Knowing them they didn't do anything and if they did they wrote one word answers.

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