Omigod It's Micheal Mell!

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"-and Peanuts the Pocket Squirrel is flourishing in his new, dollhouse-home"

"Ha ha, that is just wonderful!"
The TV presenter glimmers and chuckles behind his desk.
"Thank you for that segment, Brooke. Be sure to tune in tomorrow night to see her discuss an aids crisis that happened forty years ago. But now is the time that we've all been waiting for. We are being joined by our special guest, Micheal Mell!"

The live audience goes wild, cheering and clapping as loud as they can. A guy steps onto the stage, curled hair artfully styled and wearing a flattering yet casual suit. He gleams a glittering smile, striding across the stage to the talk show host. They shake hands before Micheal sits on the couch next to his desk.

"Micheal! Thank you for joining us this evening" The host says above the still hollering crowd.

"The pleasure's all mine, Jake. I've always been a fan of this show and it's an honour to be here on this ugly orange couch" Micheal says, causing rippling laughter to spread through the studio.

Jake, the host, throws his head back with laughter.

"I've been saying that for years that couch is revolting. Now, Micheal, I have to admit that I am a big fan of yours so I was ecstatic to hear that you were going to be in a new movie"

"Gosh I'm flattered- and yeah this movie is very special to me. I'm old friends with the writer and co-star Jared Kleinman, so when he approached me I was all in"
Micheal crosses his legs, using gentle hand gestures as he speaks.

Jake nods along to his words. He's a great TV host- always listening closely, always knowing what questions to ask.
"Now tell us about the movie- what was the inspiration?"

"So the story of Be More Chill as you know is about a teenage boy- Will Roland and his best friend George Salazar- that's me. Will is extremely insecure so he takes this pill called a Squip, which is a little computer in his head that tells him how to be cool. It was inspired by mine and Jared's high school years. A lot of the characters are based after people we knew, the Squip is actually based off a teacher we know. In fact we have a lot of references to our own lives in the movie"

Jake leans forward on the desk.
"References? Like what?"

"Well . . . uh . . . okay, they mention that George has a pac man tattoo which is based off my own pac man tattoo- Jared and I got matching ones when we were seventeen. Oh and there's a play happening in the movie- Romeo and Juliet, which was happening in our senior year. There's actually a lot of strange stories about that play it's crazy. Don't give me that look, I have promised never to talk about what happened during that play"

"Okay you tease" Jake jokes, shuffling the flashcards in his hands.
"Now- is it okay if we address some rumours?"

"Ooo of course" Micheal says.

"There has been a rumour flying around that you are dating your old friend Jared-"

Jake is cut off by Micheals hysterical laughter. The actor bends over in the couch, nearly in tears. Jake looks to the audience as if to say what the fuck?, causing a rippling chuckle.

"Sorry sorry" Micheal composes himself. "No no no I'm not dating Jared- not in a million years. I do in fact have a boyfriend but it is not Jared"

The audience 'oooooh's' in reply.

Jake pulls an exaggerated appalled face.
"You can't . . . oh my god you can't just tease us like that. Tell us more about this mystery boy"

Micheal throws up his hands in defence.
"I've already said too much I'm sorry I can't say anything more"

"Wow" Jake shakes his head slowly. "I hope you realise that you are disappointing thousands of fanfiction writers across the world"

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