Red String

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The original version was shit. So here's a new version.
Enjoy my gays.

You know the drill; when you turn 18, a string connects you to your soulmate.

~Jeremy's P.O.V~

"You excited for tomorrow Jere?" Micheal asks in a slight screech, shooting a zombie in the head.

"I mean, not particularly" I reply as I reload my gun.

"Dude it's your eighteenth birthday. You're gonna get your soulmate string! That's amazing!"

I pout a little, trying to hide my anxieties.
"I'm a little . . . hesitant? I don't know. I know a lot of people meet their soulmates and it's all sparks and condoms but . . . a lot can go wrong"
The screen lights up as we complete the level.

Micheal looks at me with his eyebrows raised.
"Dude, just because my soulmate thing went poorly doesn't mean yours will"

"I wasn't thinking of your soulmate thing"

"You're lying. But that's okay. I don't blame you for being scared after what happened to me. Really it's fine I don't mind"

I know you're all at the edge of your seats wondering what happened to Micheal, so allow me to explain.

His eighteen birthday was a few months before mine. He ran all around town trying to find his soulmate. Eventually, he was led to a train station where the string led him across the tracks. A train went by before he could cross. The train cut his string.

The bow is still wrapped around his index finger. He never talks about his soulmate or the string. He seems perfectly happy, but I'm not convinced.

"You're right. You're right! It's all fine and it's gonna be fine" I assure myself.

Micheal smiles, looking down at his watch.
"Oh shit dude it's getting late. You gotta get home so you can get up bright and early so you look good for your soulmate"

"Wow keep it in your pants" i remark, getting up from the couch.

"Aw if you insist" he jokes, shooting me a smile.


There's a string.
A bright red string.
It's tied to my finger in a little bow like I'm some giant present. Well, I guess I am. I get to walk up to someone today and say, "want a gift? Congrats! It's me! You get me for the rest of your life!"
Damn I am a shitty present.

Following the string is like walking along a trail. If that trail was a hair-thin tightrope over the worlds highest abyss. One slight slip and you tumble and fall forever. But, keep your balance and you might make it safely to the end.

Am I being over dramatic?
Do I know I'm being overdramatic?
But I'm not gonna stop it.

The string leads me out of my house, down my street to the park. Don't get me wrong, it's not much of a park. It's a cluster of trees with a stone path. Cheap as it is, it's pretty cute.

My converse crunch on the stones. The warm-ish wind blows my hair away from my face. God I should've brushed my hair. Or showered! That would've been better.

I stop. Too late to be worrying about that stuff now. In the distance, I can see a figure. A figure with a red string attached to them.

I should start running- I should run to them, right? This should be dramatic and amazing and dramatic, complete with an immediate declaration of love.

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