34.) a new beginning

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yoongi's pov
the next morning, everyone was buzzing with excitement. taehyung and jimin volunteered to make breakfast for us all, i was hesitant but i obliged.
"someone go wake kelsie up." i sighed, watching over taehyung as he attempted to flip the pancake.
"i just don't understand this recipe." taehyung whined, "what do potatoes have to do with pancakes?"
jimin looked over taehyung's shoulder, only to reveal he was reading the wrong recipe.
"you dummy that's POTATO pancakes." jimin laughed, slapping taehyung's head.
tae blushed, putting his head in his hands. "don't worry guys i'll just text kaylee. she can bring us breakfast."
everyone raised their eyebrows at him, causing him to look at us. "what?"

kimmy boy 🍜: emergency breakfast situation
kimmy boy 🍜: please bring crêpes

taehyung smiled, giggling at kaylee's responses.
"someone please go wake kelsie up." i spoke..again.
i was ignored..again.
kelsie's pov
"kelsieee! come down here please?"
i erupted from my bed, annoyed and grumpy. putting in a change of clothes, i ran downstairs to be astonished on what was in front of me.
crêpes, mimosas, everything you could imagine on my table. all my friends smiled, taking pictures of my reaction.
"what is this?" i spoke excitedly, eyeing down everyone.
"thank taehyung and kaylee. they put it all together." hobi smiled, pointing his phone in my face. "say cheese!"


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junghoseok.bts: 보고 싶었어! ;)
kelsiesbangtan: OH MY GOD
kelsiesbangtan: NO WAY
kelsieee: hobiii~ i missed you too! 🥺
jimoan: AHHHH~

after breakfast, we all gathered in my living room to prepare for today's events. hobi sat, laughing at all the comments on instagram. kook and taehyung began to wrestle, but they were interrupted when i got a call from steph, an unexpected one. i picked up the phone, not prepared for what was about to come next. "hello?" i put her on speakerphone.
"what is it?"
"i was just contacted by the grammys..the GRAMMYS KELSIE! they want you to perform! WITH BANGTAN! you both got nominated!"
everyone looked at me with stars in their eyes, widening them extremely. i swallowed the lump in my throat, closing my eyes. "what..? aren't they literally tomorrow?"
steph's accent increased as her voice did, "YES! kelsie if you accept, it'll be the peak of your career." rolling my eyes, i spoke. "you say that every time, steph. i don't think-" before i could continue i looked at the boys. their demeanors changed from excited to sad seeing that i was hesitant about this. this was all they ever wanted, especially yoongi. i sighed, making eye contact with namjoon. "i don't think.. that it could get better than this."
she squealed, "great! okay let's meet for lunch hun. i'm starving and we should discuss performance wise."
i huffed and hung up the phone. everyone silently looked at me, holding their breath. "go ahead guys." as soon as the words left my mouth, they erupted in joy. seeing them hug each other and erupt into tears made me happy. i joined them, jumping into their group hug. alana did as well, bouncing up and down.
"we are gonna perform at the GRAMMYS GUYS!!" seokjin yelled, wiping the tears from his eyes. we all calmed our nerves a bit to take a moment of realization, we were performing at the grammys! i was hesitant because i was scared, but i had to be strong for the boys. my face showed my concern, though.
"kelsie? what is wrong?" yoongi asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. i looked up at him, sighing.
"i'm scared."
today was the day. the grammys. it was odd that they informed us the day before, but we won't speak of that. alana has two dresses tailored for us..she has a friend apparently. everything was happening so fast. one day they get here and the next we're going to the grammys? it all was so much, i'm not ready to get hurt again.
alana and i were currently in an uber, ready to go pick up our dresses. we hadn't seen the boys all day, they left to go get their suits. a "boys day" as taehyung claimed, he was a dork. when we arrived, alana swiftly pulled me out of the car and practically shoved me into the dress shop. "alana!!" a tall, darker women greeted us. her hair was a deep brown, her skin was clear and glowing. she wore a long, black skirt with a matching bralette. the lady smiled, pulling us both in for a hug. "they're ready! follow me."
both of us walked in to a slightly cooler room. dresses of different colors and patterns and fabrics scattered the room. we stopped in front of two garment bags that i assume withheld our dresses. alana thanked the woman before giving her her credit card. "alana how much are you paying for this..?" i whispered to her, grabbing our garment bags.
"trust me, she owes me one." alana chuckled, leading me to the dressing room. i was nervous, but i complied. as i unraveled the garnet bag, i immediately regretted my decision.
"uhm alana!?" i called for her. she sighed, not even responding to my question.
"put the damn thing on."
i stomped my foot, cursing under my breath. "damn you."
alana's pov
i stepped out of the room and kelsie followed. the look on her face was too funny, i couldn't help but laugh. "do NOT laugh at me. i look like a christmas tree ornament." i sighed, rolling my eyes. "kelsie, if you would like i will go find you another dress..okay?" she shook her head, looking at me.
"don't do that..i'm just nervous. you know? i've never been here before and i don't feel deserving."
i rushed over to her and engulfed her in a hug. "kelsie! you worked so hard babygirl. you are the most deserving person i know, never say that. now please, you will rock the grammys okay? you will win every category you were nominated for. okay?" she chuckled, nodding her head up and down. "okay."
jungkooks pov
it was still light outside, we waited outside the obscure dress shop impatiently.
"where are theyy~?" jimin whined, hugging onto namjoon, "hyungie~ make them hurryyy~"
jimin got like this sometimes, very small and little. it was okay though, it was very cute.
alana stepped out, the clacking of her heels on the hard concrete. we all gasped in amazement. she looked stunning.
"alana! you look beautiful!" we cheered, especially yoongi. he wrapped his arms around her into a big hug.
"we match, lan." he chuckled, pointing to the color of his undershirt.
she giggled back, looking into his eyes. "i know."
"where is kelsie?" jin asked. before alana could respond, she walked out. my eyes gazed her up and down. she truly looked astonishing, holy shit look at those-
"wow! beautiful, you look so amazing." hobi cheered, lightly kissing kelsie on the cheek. she smiled, "thanks hobi."
"you guys should take pictures of me and kelsie's dresses." alana spoke, handing joon her phone. he nodded as they began to pose.


❤️~ 9,749,919alanaaa: i couldn't wear my beanie to the grammys

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alanaaa: i couldn't wear my beanie to the grammys.
lanascoffee: holy crap! look at that dress 😍
kelsieee: alana you can't wear it everywhere
minyoongi.bts: I love that we color coordinate :)
kelsiesbangtan: i can not wait to watch y'all



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kelsieee: my boobs have never felt so squished D,:
lizzo: damnnn girl! 🔥🔥
kimtaehyung.bts: tehe i liked your shoes
kelsiesbangtan: OMG I LOVE YOU 🥺
jiminepabo: i am so excited to hear you guys!

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