32.) awkward reunions

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yoongi's pov
i dragged all of the boys outside except for namjoon. i was about to rip their ass a new one.
they all looked down at their feet, not daring to look at me.
"you know why i'm about to kick your asses right?"
there were nods throughout the group of boys.
"that girl in there is so broken and what have we done to help her?"
jimin spoke, "nothing."
"that's right."
taehyung spoke up too, with confidence.
"i miss her."
"yeah me too."
we all looked at jungkook, only to find he wasn't there.
"oh for christ's sake you lost him."
jungkooks pov
i couldn't do it, i couldn't listen to them talk about her. they're all ready to go back to the way things were and i just..i cant.
i loved her and she moved on so very fast. i just don't understand how if you love someone you can move on.
maybe she didn't love me.
nobody's point of view
the boys got ready for their monthly meeting with bighit. they wore fancy ties and suits, it was customary for them.
entering the building with smiles on their faces, they were greeted by a familiar, gorgeous manager whom they all ran up to, smuggling with hugs.
"ms.stephanie! pleasure to see you again! why have you traveled here?"
before she could explain, yoongi spoke up,
"i called her."
they all turned to him, confused looks on their faces.
steph cheered excitedly, " you all are coming back to l.a. with me!"
the boys eyes widened, mouths gaping in excitement.
"WHAT?!" seokjin and namjoon cheered in unison.
everyone was so excited and overwhelmed they didn't even acknowledge the single tear zip down jungkook's face.
"we have to go pack our bags and tell alana!!" hobi said, jumping up and down with yoongi.
steph's shiny white teeth beamed as she smiled wide.
"go boys!"
kelsie's pov
i finally found the motivation to tidy my house up, ridding the table of energy drink cans and clothing bags. i hung new, fresh art on the walls. it was the little things that made me feel whole again. especially the new paint job of my freshly furnished living room.
i got ready for the rest of my day, which didn't consist of much. some checkered white pants, a yellow shirt and the sunflower converse hobi bought me was my outfit today. my hair fell a little past my shoulders, it was curly and a deep black. my bangs grew out, thankfully. why did i do that?
i did some makeup, nothing impressive though. today wasn't the day to impress people. my phone began to ring, i looked to see it was steph.
"hello?" i spoke, answering my phone.
"kelsie!!" her loud, new jersey accent filled the silent void between the screens.
"yes, what's up steph?"
"now don't give me attitude kelsie may, i'll see you soon. go to the studio and begin to warm up. i'll bring you a coffee and we can talk."
obeying steph, i started my car and drove to the studio.
nobody's pov
kelsie dressed in all black, her hair falling nicely on her shoulders. she waited for her coffee from steph that was promised and wondered what her urgency was for.
"kelsieee!" the familiar new jersey accent boomed as steph came bursting in the door. she engulfed kelsie in a quick hug before handing her a iced matcha latte with boba.
"ugh steph youre saving my life!" she spoke, taking a long sip of her long-awaited drink.
"okay now i have a surprise."
oh god, stephs surprises are never good. kelsie thought to herself, waiting for what was about to spew out of her mouth.
"come here please!"
kelsie furrowed her eyebrows, until she saw what entered through the doors.
alana ran into the familiar dance room, sprinting towards kelsie. the two met with a ferocious hug, practically suffocating each other.
she couldn't believe what she was seeing, her small best friend was finally back in her arms.
"i missed you so much lan."
alana squeezed tighter, running her fingers through kelsies now shorter hair.
"oh my god you chopped your hair off!"
kelsie giggled, nodding her head.
"i brought you a surprise back okay? cover your eyes!"
kelsie placed her hands over her eyes, giggling in anticipation. she heard shuffling all around her until alana spoke, "open your eyes."
kelsies pov
i opened my eyes abruptly, to see seven familiar boys standing all around me. they were bearing gifts in their hands and excited smiles were smacked across their faces.
"guys!!" i exclaimed, running to them. they all put their gifts down and swarmed me in a big hug.
"we missed you so much!" seokjin spoke, kissing my forhead.
"god i missed you all more than anything." i laughed, until i looked at jungkook.
he tried to plaster a smile on his face, but it was clear he was hurting.
i approached him, "hey kook."
he looked down at his feet, "hey."
i moved his head with my hand to look at me.
"i missed you." i said quietly, practically in a whisper.
he backed away, furrowing his eyebrows.
"did you?"
before i could speak, namjoon interrupted, "kelsie do you have any plans for this evening? we are quite tired."
"of course not namjoon, let's get you home and resting." i smiled.
they all took a uber. alana and steph went home, they were tired as well.
my phone buzzed, indicating i got a text. i checked to see who it was.

kaylee: yoo u busy?
kaylee: come on girl i miss you so much 🥺

me: some friends just flew in town i can't bail girl :(

kaylee: girl are you kidding? :(

me: unless you wanna sit with me and seven exhausted bts members, i'm not :p


i chuckled at my phone before laying it down and jumping on my couch, waiting for someone to arrive.
my door opened, "yoongi you got to sleep by yourself LAST time. i want a turn!!" taehyung whined.
"i wanna sleep with you taehyungie~" jimin complained, hanging onto taehyung's arm.
yoongi finally interjected, "guys shut up! where is kelsie? i wanna give her my present!"
"yeah me too!" hobi agreed.
"i'm in here guys!" i called, watching them as they entered.
"this looks so cool kels." yoongi spoke, admiring my black walls.
"thanks! i did it myself." i smiled, signaling them to sit down. "oh guys my friend wanted to stop by for a little bit, is that okay?"
jungkook scoffed, "who, your girlfriend?"
i rolled my eyes, "what girlfriend?"
his head shot up, furrowing his eyebrows.
"don't play stu-." he was cut off by the doorbell and fierce knocking at the door.
i looked down at my feet as the boys stared at me awkwardly.
"i'll get it." i said, getting up off the couch.
opening the door, i was met with whom i thought was going to be kaylee, but actually was my happy best friend alana.
"hey girl! the hotel was boring so i just decided to hang here."
i let her in, laughing at her cuteness.
after a few minutes of scattered conversations, the doorbell rang.
"who is that, kels?" alana questioned.
"probably just my friend."
"KELSIEEE!" kaylee came bursting in the door, wrapping her arms around me. everyone stood up to introduce themselves, except for alana.
"who's this, kelsie?" alana asked, raising her eyebrow.
i froze, trying to distract the conversation as quickly as possible. "oh um, this is kaylee!"
kaylee bowed slightly, "i'm kelsie's dance partner." i shut my eyes tight, praying to god she did not just say that.
everyone slowly turned their head to a fuming alana,
"your what?"

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