4.) im not hoseok or jin!!

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knock knock
i jerked up in my sleep. there was a knock coming from the opposite side of my door.
"hoseok! jin! time to get up!"
i wanted to yell but i contained myself.
i looked down at my apparel i had on before going to answer the continuous banging on my door.
black almost short shorts and a grey UCLA shirt.
"could be worse"
i not-so-happily whipped open my door. i watched as yoongi changed his annoyed look to a worried look.
"oh my goodness kelsie imsosorryijust-"
suga rambled on before i interrupted him;
"don't worry about it, i needed up anyway." i said before turning back to my clock.
oh yeah i TOTALLY needed up. thanks yoongi.
after a few seconds, yoongi playfully scrambled away to the kitchen, yelling for his hyungs. i listened to the conversation between jungkook, namjoon, and taehyung.
i heard muffled voices before i heard jungkook whisper-yell..
"you woke her up?!"
i giggled to myself as i sluggishly grabbed my workout clothes and walked to the kitchen where i was greeted by namjoon, jungkook, yoongi, taehyung, and jimin all awkwardly smiling at me.
"good morning, guys." my groggy voice managed to squeeze out.
i walked past them, reaching to grab my re-usable water bottle. i walked over to the fridge and filled my bottle with ice and water. i grabbed a lime and a cutting board as i set it on the counter to begin cutting into little slices.
"how'd you all sleep?" i asked, continuing to cut my lime.
"like a child!" taehyung cheerfully said. i responded saying i was glad and hoped everyone found everything okay.
i squeezed some of the lime slices in my bottle of water, throwing them in after.
"im going to work out. i should be done in an hour. if you all are hungry, you can cook anything you'd like or order anything. but don't forget to wake hoseok and jin up, they need awake." i winked, teasing yoongi with my last comment.
i grabbed everything and opened the door leading to my basement.
jimins pov
"namjoon-hyung, kelsie is really attractive."
i turned and slapped tae's shoulder.
"jungkook~ahh! you can't say that!"
"well why not?! she is exquisitely gorgeous." he said in a tone that i could not disagree with, she truly was perfect.
i was panting and sweating. i looked in the mirror at my abs. toned, not buff, but toned. i admired my work, but it just wasn't
i walked upstairs. i opened my basement door and stepped into my kitchen where i was greeted by 7 kind men, eating, talking and laughing amongst themselves.
"kelsie!! are you hungry, would you like something to eat?" namjoons cheerfulness erased any doubt i had.
don't eat.
drink juice.
protein shakes.
no calories.
you'll get fat.
you dumb fuck.
we worked so hard.
don't ruin it.
"no thank you! im going to grab a shower. ill be out in a little."
i smiled and walked to the bathroom door, opening it and closing it lightly.
namjoons pov
why hadn't she eaten?
it was the same yesterday.
maybe she just wasn't hungry?
high metabolism?
i don't know.
i want her to be okay.
i closed the shower door, letting the boiling hot water pelt my skin. i didn't want this day to be bad. i would not let it.
i stepped of the shower, sliding the glass door open. the room was engulfed with steam.
what can i say, i like it hot?
i checked my phone, it was 9:47.
i felt bad for leaving the boys but i had to do my daily routine. i changed, put lotion on, and put on a pair of black nike shorts, a slightly big blue duke sweatshirt and some circle glasses. i always thought they complimented my face.
i put my hair into two french braids.
it was now 10:11
i stepped into the kitchen to reveal
i looked everywhere in my house.
where WERE they?
i forgot to check the basement, i went down the cool, wooden stairs and to my surprise, there were 7 young men using my gym equipment.
make yourselves at home.
that phrase had been take too literally sometimes. i didn't mind though. i liked company, but i was more of a loner.
too late
i caught myself staring, especially at jungkook. oh my was he perfect.
i shook my head slightly and walked back up the stairs.
it was about 11:50 when they came back upstairs.
"hey!" i said, causing them to jump.
"oh hey kelsie!" namjoon responded. "we used your gym equipment, you were just in the shower for quite a while. i hope that's okay." they nodded their heads in agreement.
"that's perfectly fine. do you guys want showers? i only have 4 bathrooms, well five plus mine."
her kindness was radiating
she was so sweet.
i could listen to her talk all day.
after all of them got showers, it was about 1:45.
we were supposed to meet with steph and their manager for dinner to discuss the plan.
i decided to show them around my house so situations like this morning wouldn't happen again.
i showed them the upstairs, which wasn't that special. i took them outside and showed them my pool, they could use anything they wanted whenever. they already knew my kitchen and living room so i decided to show them my escape place.
my basement.
my basement was comforting, it was also huge. it had three parts to it. my gym, my recording studio and my piano room.
i loved piano
i had played since i was maybe 6.
they all gawked in amazement at my studio.
"so you record in here all the time?" jin asked, lightly tapping the top of my microphone.
"only when i get bursts of inspiration. i mostly record my albums with my recording company."
they all nodded and we moved along to my piano room. i was quite proud of this room. it was like something you'd see in movies.
i opened the grey door and stepped in. the floor was plush white carpet. my walls were a coal black with white splatter paint all over them. i had pieces of art hanging everywhere.
in the middle of my room was a hand-crafted white grand piano.
the ones that only composers use.
"woah!! this is absolutely mind blowing." yoongi remarked, his fingers running over the smooth surface of the piano.
"crazy.." jungkook picked up the handwritten sheets that were laying on the stool.
"agreed..~" murmured hoseok, who was fascinated in the art hanging on my walls.
the rest of the day we hung out, they ate some salad for lunch. we laughed, talked, joked.
i love them.
we got in my car and headed off to the dinner. we were wearing dressy-casual clothes.
i skipped out on dinner by claiming i wasn't very hungry and id wait until morning.
we discussed with our managers our plan. write, record, choreograph.
in three months.
namjoon and i would be doing most of the writing. i told him about some of the partially written songs in my studio and we agreed to check them out.
we got home, all exhausted from our day. the boys all decided to go to sleep, i wished my farewells to them and headed to my room.
it was almost 12 when i made the executive decision to go down to my recording room and start writing.
rather sooner than later, right?
i poured it all out. all my feelings. letting a few tears shed in the process.
baby i don't feel so good
six words you never understood
ill never let you go
five words you'll never say
i laugh alone like nothing's wrong
four days have never felt so long
if three's a crowd and two was us
one slipped away.
after a while, i finished my song.
id never managed to write a whole song in one night.
it was 4:16 now and i was brutally exhausted. all i remember is sitting down, laying my head against the wall, and everything going dark.

80 worlds apart. | j. jungkook {completed}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat