3.) this is your house?

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bts was standing right in front of me, in all their glory. they were a mixture of the cutest and hottest men ive ever seen. they just watched me dance, more sexual than i had wanted i might add and then i realized-
i was in my normal dancing clothes, which was the problem. i became flustered and quickly introduced myself to all of them. i asked for them to excuse me while i go change and we'd be on our way.
yoongi's pov
kelsie has introduced herself to us but she seemed very flustered. i had wondered why. i could see the insecurity of her body creep over her, im very good at reading people. she seemed like me. and i knew our friendship would be close.
i threw on a pastel pink sweatshirt that came a little above my mid-thigh. i had black nike shorts on but whey were not visible. i put on some checkered vans slides and put my hair in a low braid. not the most attractive thing but it'll do.
you're never attractive.
i sheepish-fully walked out of the changing room, carrying my bag and a water. alana was making small talk with the boys while i was gone. i greeted them and asked what the plan was.
"I am quite tired." jin had managed to make out through a yawn.
"But hyung im hungryyy-." taehyung had replied, whining to him.
"It is fine, we will all just order food and take it home, does that sound okay? You both are such crybabies." namjoon had settled the argument with a chuckle.
i called us an uber because that's how id gotten here in the first place. alana went home, she had "stuff do to", more like read fanfiction till she dies. we had a very good conversation between the eight of us. we laughed and caught up.
we arrived at my house around 6:50. i realized that the boys were on very different schedules than i so i tried to get their food ordered for them as quickly as possible and get them all inside and settled.
"This is your house?" hoseok gawked in amazement.

it really was a beautiful house. high ceilings, marble countertops. there were 5 bedrooms, way too many for me, but it appeared to come in handy.

i nodded my head and replied with a calm "mhm."

i explained that there were four rooms available to the 7 of them and i apologized that they all couldn't have separate rooms. they were so polite and told me there was nothing to worry about and thanked me for welcoming them to my home. i smiled hastily.
damn it. why was i like this?
i told namjoon that they could postmate whatever they wanted and i would pay for it, but he insisted.
"what would you like to eat?"
i paused and smiled a toothy smile at their offer.
"im not hungry, thank you so much though."
i was very hungry, but i decided to post-pone my eating schedule for a while. i just grabbed a water and sat on my couch.
all the boys were in the kitchen, playfully bickering over what to eat.
i decided to post the instagram pictures from my final tour in nyc. they were stunning pictures, my fans were absolutely crazy there and it was so funny.
i was snapped out of my gaze when i heard a knock on my door.
"Food's here!" jungkook practically squealed. i giggled at him. he truly was an adorable maknae.
"Finally!" jimin squealed with him.
"You all sound like little girls." yoongi remarked, taking the food and handing it to all of them.
they all asked politely if the could come into the living room to eat. i nodded and smiled, gesturing my hand for them to have a seat.
jimin and tae sad on my separate reclining chairs. namjoon, v, and jungkook sat on the opposite side of my v-shaped sofa.
and hoseok and yoongi sat on my side of the sofa.
we made conversation between the eight of us. we had settled on a show to watch, it was santa clarita diet on netflix. i had turned on the korean subs for them because even though they were quite impressive at english, i thought it might be easier for them to understand.
i smiled at kelsie's gesture. she truly was so sweet and kind. but it was something about those eyes, they look like they'd been hurt before.
i studied her face. she looked perfect, but slight bags from lack of sleep.
"jungkook, you're staring."
i snapped out of my gaze and giggled a little at the mad who had just whispered the words in my ear.
"im sorry, v-hyung. she's just is so pretty."
i looked over at jungkook who had just gone from studying my face to shyly turning away.
he's so cute
"Are you all ready to sleep? I have mega jet-lag." v had asked in between a yawn.
"I CALL SLEEPING ALONE!!" yoongi threw his trash onto hoseok and ran to search for a bedroom. i laughed at him, he was to funny, especially his run.
"That means the rest of us have to have sleeping partners ill go wi-" namjoon was cut off by hoseok screaming..
hoseok grabbed jin's arm before namjoon could get the chance to protest. namjoon had laughed at this gesture and continued on-
"Okay. Well I'll go with Kookie and V can go with Jimin. Sound like a plan?" The boys nodded and wished me a goodnight.
they sure made themselves at home.
im glad. they seem comfortable around me.
i checked my phone and it was 9:17.
it's only 9:17? how in the hell..
i didn't even get the chance to tell them where the bathroom was or my room, oh well, they'll figure it out eventually.
all of the boys were asleep except for me. i had wondered if kelsie was asleeep. id love to get the chance to talk to her, but i subsided my thoughts as my eyes fluttered closed.
"im really glad im sleeping alone."
it was 4:56 am when i rolled over to look at my clock.
i have to be up in around 3 hours to workout. great, insomnia wins again. i laid on my stomach, me leg lifted up over a pillow and i squeezed my eyes closed
"go to bed kelsie."

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