🙉 training 🙉

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*Nightwing POV*
I look at the team and Percy smiles. "Okay, so I guess you want to see what we can do right?" I look at Percy shocked. "I guess that's a yes" Percy takes his sword and goes to the training platform. He points at wonder girl and she takes out a dagger. They both get ready for a fight. "I'm guessing without powers, wise girl." Wonder girl glares at him. She then chargers aiming for Percy's head witch Percy doged. While charging for her thighs. Witch Annabeth easily dodges. Wow they're good like really good. Annabeth takes a step closer to Percy and she charges for his chest. I stand ready to stop them but Percy just smirked as he doged Annabeth attack. Witch causes Annabeth to lose her balance. Percy strikes Annabeth well almost Annabeth right on time got back on her feet to block Percy's sword with her dagger. Dam that's intense. Percy smirked and charges again this goes on for awhile thill black canary gets announced.

The teens put there weapons back and smiled. There was bearly sweated. Percy just drinks some water and trows it at Annabeth who easily catches it. Canary smiles at us and says "I see you're already training with the newbies." She walks towards us and puts her hand on her hips. "So who wants to train with me without powers of course." Nico looks at her then smirks. "Can I?" We look at him in shock. He's uhm well small and he bearly has any muscles. He's also so thin and fragile. Percy smiles and gives Nico a thumbs up. "You sure?" Nico looks at her with a look of anger and determination I think and nods. "Okay" canary stands ready looking at Nico who doesn't butch from his place. Canary puts here hands up ready for a fight. Nico ran at her and seemed to try to punch canary at the head. To witch canary smiles ready to dodge his blow but at the last minute he changes moves and goes for her legs knocking canary of her feet. He's fast. He lifts his legs ready to kick canary but this time canary dodges. Canary still looked shooked witch Nico saw and Nico started charging at her as fast as he could. He fights almost as good as Diana. Witch is a shock since Diana is one of the strongest people in the league. Canary hitted Nico for the first time. Nico holded his cheek like it hitted like hell witch made canary stop her attacks and Nico sees this as a chance and knocks canary to the ground pinning her to it.

( A/N: this is a quick chapter update I hope you enjoy. This is my first real battle scene so I hope it doesn't suck. Also here as a painting I made today. I hope you enjoy it cuz I made it with my left hand and I'm right handed.

 I hope you enjoy it cuz I made it with my left hand and I'm right handed

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