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                       *Nightwing POV*
Okay so now we have to get to know them. Maybe I can make them spill some some secrets. I walk towards the rest of the team who are in the living room. Superboy's watching static like always while Wonder girl looks at him confused. "Hey guys" I say and riptide spins towards me and smiles while stuffing his mouth with Bleu pancakes. Wally lays on the ground with an Bleu eye. I look at riptide questionably.

He just shrugged. I look at Ghost king. Who is standing next to me. When did he even leave his boyfriend's side. "Kid flash tried eating Percy's cookies so Percy punched him and then tackled him." Percy smiles at me and says "Nobody eats my cookies" Wonder girl stands up and walks towards him. And grabs a cookie. "Nobody would like a cookie to you know." She then gives him a kiss on the cheek and before Percy can answer. Wonder girl shoves the cookie in his mouth. "If you guys excuse me I'm going home. Will you coming" Ghost king says while walking towards the zetatubes with his boyfriend following.

Okay, well at least I know two of their real names that's great. I'm starting to feel the aster. Now I just need to do some research. On Will and Percy it can't be that hard right. Why did Wonder girl call her self a nobody. If she truly is an Amazon that would a lie. Maybe I should report this information to Batman. Nah, I'm sure he already knows. He's Batman after all. Nobody knows what he's really capable of. (Yeah I guess Annabeth does know a lot. I bet she already knows who Batman really is. She's my sister-in-law after all.)

I'm searching the name Percy up but can't find anything maybe it's a nickname or something. Their are a lot of people called Will. It could take a while thill I will find Will and I Will find something. I'm a bat after all.

       *Time skip brought to you by a               stupid puns. So I guess you guys haven't skipped my story yet. I'm shocked littarly I'm shocked by Thalia because she thinks I take to long to update. Ow*

I've been searching for hours and still haven't found anything about Will. Their still are fifty people over. I think I want to die how long does it take to find I single thing about. I need to get a DNA sample some how. I'm going to find out who you guys are?

 I'm going to find out who you guys are?

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