
"My queen...perhaps now is not the time to think like a duck." Leonmithas said, a hint of a smile on his lips, "You might want something that doesn't stand out."

Cybelline glared at him and closed her eyes once more. Her shape seemed to shrink and soon there was a small dove glaring at him. She flew up into the air and zipped out of the windows, undetected by her jailers.

Doves were common in the city of light, they symbolized purity and beauty. It was not long until Cybelline flew to the gates of the dungeon. There, she transformed again into a little snake, as small as her little finger. She fought down the magical nausea that came with using her magic. Just a little longer, she promised herself.

The deeper it went, air became more putrid, it was as if death had permeated every pore of the place. Cybelline felt a hint of familiarity as she thought back to all those missions long ago where she entered places just like this. Remembering the directions Leonmithas had told her, she went for the deepest, darkest part of the dungeon.

In that moment the little snake turned back into a human and she stood in front of the bloodied and kneeling figure in front of her.

There were no guards in this part of the dungeon. After all the prisoner was almost half dead. Chains as thick as a grown man's arm were wrapped around every part of his body. Dark stains of blood bled from cuts that had been made on top of cuts. Cybelline, even after all these years of seeing the torture methods that people had come up with, winced.

Hearing the sound, the man's fingers moved a little.

"Kyria...Kyria..." From his throat came a parched whisper. Cybelline frowned, "What?"

"I will not tell you. Kill me Kyria...and let this end." It was an exhausted whisper of an exhausted man.

Cybelline knelt down and looked at the golden, matted hair, "Old man, I've come for you." She took out a skein of water from the land in the ring, "Drink."

The water was cold and sweet, it had healing properties that the druids had blessed. Once it hit Jinon's throat, he felt some strength come back into his body.

Jinon, cracked open an eyelid. He stared for a moment, "Are you the messenger of death come"

"If you don't stop spouting nonsense, then yes."  Cybelline rolled her eyes,  "You know me. That little girl that Ithos and Myrai rescued."

"Tell me something only Cy would know then." He demanded, his golden eyes staring into her green ones intently.

"When we traveled to the Capital of Dycathion together, you went to go relieve yourself and a pride of female lions took a liking to you, because of your mane. It was the first and only time I've ever seen a man clutching his pants sprinting through the forest with seven lionesses chasing after him."

"While you just sat in your tree and laughed."Jinon glared at her,  but soon he lost his strength, "Girl, this is not the place for you."

"I think it's pretty homey. I'm sure the last resident thought of it too." Cybelline eyed the pile of bones in the corner, "But it's time to go."

Jinon nearly cracked a smile, if not for the bruise on his lips, "I'm a little bit inconvenienced right now. These chains are magicked, you will not be able---"


Cybelline grabbed a chain in her hands and it turned into a pile of useless metal. She took his shackles and did the same. Jinon fell towards the earth and she gripped his shoulder, "What were you saying? I couldn't hear you over the sound of you being wrong.

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