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A war has broken out in the apartment on the third floor. 

Wooyoung's voice seems even louder than usual, and Yeosang's eyes are rolling back in endless loops while he keeps sighing heavily. San is sitting awkwardly on the couch, not saying a word - and it's clear to see that he wants to get up and leave, but he's afraid to do so. 

Yeosang knew he was in trouble, as soon as the word boyfriend had left his mouth. But in the moment he didn't care - now, is a different story. Wooyoung had been pestering him with questions, not giving up since the new relationship came so unexpected. 

If he should ever be given even two minutes of silence to actually think about it, Yeosang will probably end up being just as surprised himself. But when he was still lying in bed with Hyunjin, and the other had asked if Yeosang finally was his - he didn't hesitate to saying yes. 

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Wooyoung shouts, while frustrated hand-gestures are being thrown all around him. "Hwang Hyunjin? You must be kidding me! Tell me you're kidding me!" 

With another loud sigh, Yeosang shook his head. He understands why Wooyoung is reacting the way he is - he was there when Hyunjin tried to pull Yeosang away from not only him, but also life overall. But that was back then. That was years ago...

"He has changed," Yeosang then said, "And so have I. Can't you just be happy for me?" 

"Happy? How do you expect me to be happy that you're dating that fucking psycho?" Wooyoung's eyes flickers between Yeosang and San, trying to get some backup from the other blonde. 

But Yeosang doesn't feel intimidated by that. San doesn't know anything about Hyunjin, so what should he say anyway? And for once, San isn't saying anything. No rude or snide comments. He just stays silent, with his hands folded in his lap - probably praying that he can get to escape this uncomfortable situation as soon as possible.

A sudden silence from both ends, is suddenly stopping the fight. With a glare Wooyoung's way, Yeosang takes this as his opportunity to leave. But just as he's about to walk into his bedroom, Wooyoung speaks again. 

"Don't bring him over. Ever." The blonde's voice has calmed down, almost too much - to the point where it's colder than Yeosang has ever heard before. 

"Don't worry, never planned to," Yeosang replies, looking over his shoulder and catching the disappointed glare Wooyoung is looking at him with. 

Even with the door closed, Wooyoung's voice is still heard clearly throughout the apartment. Yeosang has cuddled up in bed, staring at the walls while listening to San and Wooyoung arguing in the living room. 

To say that San for once is taking Yeosang's side would be an overstatement, but at least he is trying to calm Wooyoung down. Not that it's going very well though. Wooyoung is still extremely upset, as he keeps 'swearing to fucking God' and telling San that he has no idea what kind of mess Yeosang is getting himself into. 

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 || sequel to 'Just as we are'Where stories live. Discover now