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Jungkook tensed hearing this words come out of Jimin's mouth, he couldn't talk, he's having some negative results if he told the older. Jimin notices the younger's reaction, so he decided to shrug of his question, he'll ask in another time.
"If you don't want to talk about it, it's okay" He said, smiling at the younger.

Jungkook mentally sighs in relief, he managed to escape a sensitive topic.
"I'll look for any jobs tomorrow morning since its a Saturday" The younger said, changing the topic quickly.
"Okay, but be careful, I'm not here tomorrow as I'm going to visit my parents" Jimin said, leaving the younger alone in the living room.
"I didn't he's this rich, even his apartment looks like a mansion" Jungkook said, not knowing what's behind this clean apartment.

He decided to look around, getting shocked at what he saw. There were clothes, hygiene, and cans of soda were scattered around. Jungkook couldn't believe this, he thought the apartment would be clean but he thought wrong. And since he's gonna be staying here, he decided to clean it.

After a few hours of cleaning, the house was spotless. Jungkookwas sure a good cleaner, it was nothing to him as it was also a help to Jimin who offered his home for his now homeless ass. He sat on the couch, feeling tired. He moved around as he felt something poking his butt, so he opens his eyes to be met with Jimin's. His eyes widen before screaming at the top of his lungs, he was literally sitting on the older's lap, feeling something he shouldn't have. He stood up, losing balance, but was caught by Jimin who also stood up.

Their faces were inches apart, they could literally kiss right now, but it unnecessary as they weren't together. Jungkook pushed Jimin away, falling on his butt and almost hitting his head on the corner of the coffee table. Jimin also fell but it was on the couch, so he was lucky.
"Ow, my butt" Jungkook said as a pout forms on his lips. A hand was held infront of him, taking it and being helped to stand up.
"You okay?" Jimin asks, looking at Jungkook's eyes, but a little too close.


(I slept sideways on my bed, my legs were dangling. When I woke up and stood up, I fell because apparently my left foot was asleep😆 I tried standing up again and failed, so I held onto the wall to stand up. I limped to get out of the room, holding onto the walls. It's okay now, Tokkis, don't worry 😆

-Ggukie-nim out!💜)

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