Part One - Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Future King

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Fernando followed his fiancée eagerly as she waddled around the corridor, she had felt the urge to walk and he had followed her willingly; he didn’t want anything happening to her right now.

Vanessa grumbled to herself, she had pulled on her pale blue pure cotton spotted wrap dressing gown and slipped on her lavender grey button and bow mule slippers for her little walk.

“Do you want to go back to the room?” Fernando asked holding Vanessa’s hand, the contractions were coming steadily and he knew that the baby would be here soon; they had been at the hospital for three hours now and there was little happening.

Vanessa nodded her head, she felt exhausted and yet she hadn’t been able to sleep; she hoped that she would be able to sleep soon, she didn’t know how much longer she would be in labour for.

Fernando slowly led her back to their hospital room, the maternity ward was pretty quiet and the couple hadn’t been disturbed by anyone since they had arrived; it was news now that they were awaiting the birth of their baby.

The entire country was waiting on the announcement that their future monarch had been born; they had no idea that it would be a king.

Charles was waiting for the couple when they reached the room, he was going to be the one to deliver the baby and he would stay at the hospital until the baby had been born.

“Shall we have another look?” Charles asked pulling on some gloves, Vanessa nodded as she had another contraction; she clung onto Fernando who helped her breath through the pain.

Fernando pressed a kiss to the top of her head, she had been in labour for six hours now and he knew it could go on longer; he helped Vanessa sit down on the bed so Charles could check her over.

Vanessa eyed her doctor wondering how much longer this would go on for; she was tired and just wanted her baby in her arms, she didn’t want this to drag on.

“Good news… we can start pushing,” Charles said pleased with the progress that Vanessa had made in a short few hours; he moved to get everything ready while Fernando helped his fiancée removed her slippers and her dressing gown.

Vanessa took a deep breath and leant back on her hospital bed, she calmed herself knowing that she needed to focus on having her baby now.

“I’ll be right by your side, every step of the way,” Fernando said taking her hand and giving her a kiss, he would be there for her knowing that this was it; they were about to welcome their little boy into the world.

Charles looked at the couple, the country had been waiting a long time for something like this and he would perform his duty by making sure the future King came into the world as safely as possible.

“Right when you are ready… start to push,” Charles said moving towards Vanessa, it wouldn’t be long until he had delivered the future king of Andorra.


“He’s perfect,” Fernando whispered pressing a kiss to the top of Vanessa’s head as he stared down at his newborn son; he couldn’t believe that he was finally here.

Vanessa smiled nodding her head, she was exhausted but it had all been worth it to have her little boy in her arms.

The couple had heard the ringing of the bells of Windsor Abbey that announced the birth of the future king, which had been followed by the ringing of bells at many other churches; the official announcement couldn’t be given yet since they had yet to choose a name for their son.

Fernando kissed Vanessa again, he had called his parents to share the wonderful news and he knew they would bring Nora around to see her new baby brother soon.

“How do you feel?” Fernando asked softly, he was sure that it wouldn’t be long until their families came to visit the new arrival; they would be excited to see the baby and congratulate the couple.

Vanessa nodded her head, she was a little tired but she knew that they would have time to relax; they has a little while before she thought their families would show up.

A knock at the door pulled the couple from their small world, they looked over to see Anoushka standing at the door; she smiled awkwardly knowing that she didn’t want to interrupt.

“Sorry but they needed some details for the official announcement,” Anoushka said awkwardly, she was sure that the couple had come to a decision on what their son would be called; they needed the name not for the release today but so it could be announced to parliament in a couple of days’ time by the king.

Fernando and Vanessa looked at each other with a small smile, they both knew what they were going to call their baby boy.


Elizabeth checked over the paper that would announce the birth of her great grandson, she smiled looking at the name that Vanessa and Fernando had chosen; she smiled pleased that they had found a name that they liked.

George sighed as he watched his mother looking over the papers, they would wait a couple of days to announce the name but the official announcement had to be made.

“It’s an interesting name,” George admitted, he was pleased that they had chosen well as Elizabeth handed over the official announcement so that he could sign it.

Elizabeth nodded, she smiled sure that they had thought long and hard about the name and it was perfect for the future king; he would have an entire country waiting to meet him.

“I think I’ll get ready for our visit,” Elizabeth said nodding at the man waiting to take the announcement and read it out, there were people who were waiting to hear the official announcement.

George nodded as he signed the paper before he handed it over to the man, he watched as he left before taking a deep breath; it was official now, he was a grandfather.

The man walked quickly through the corridors, the piece of parchment tightly in his hands as he went; people stopped to look at him knowing what he was carrying.

The man didn’t stop as he walked out of the palace and towards the gathered people who were waiting to hear the official announcement; they knew a royal child had been born but that was it.

The man cleared his throat as he stopped before the gathering, he had the honour of running the announcement from the king; he took a deep breath to calm himself and he knew that he couldn’t mess this up.

“Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Andorra has safely delivered a son at 11.25am today. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well,” the man said reading the notice, there would be no reveal of the name and he had no idea what it was anyway.

The man moved to pin up the announcement on the old notice board that could be seen from the gates by anyone that wished to read it; he pinned it up as members of the press called for some sort of clue to the future kings name.

The country would be in celebration for at least a week and it was a sign that the royal wedding was approaching; in two months’ time Vanessa would marry Fernando and it would be another reason to celebrate.

The birth of the future king was going to be the start of a big year for the royal family, they would be in the lime-light so much this year that everyone was going to be busy and it would be an exciting year for their country.


Author's Note: 

What name do you think Vanessa and Fernando have chosen for their baby boy? xxx

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