I think it's pretty great with a whole lot of creamer and some sugar.

Drumming his fingers against the table, he nods. As the rest of our large party orders and talks amongst themselves, I begin to get antsy as his drumming continues. "Dude, say something."

The noise stops. "How's the attention been since you decommited?"

"Strong. Positive. I killed it down in Jupiter." I offer proudly.

"I know, Ashton and I watched you." He says. "Vanderbilt is stupid."

Raising my mug, I take a sip. "I can drink to that."

"So..." The drumming picks back up. "Have you considered any other schools?"

Already knowing where this conversation is headed, I set my mug down. "Just say it."

"I know Alabama is nowhere near as impressive as Vanderbilt, and I respect that, but Coach approached me with interest." He sounds almost embarrassed. "If you'd be willing to even take a look into the program, let me know."

Ignoring the slight tremors I get every time I'm approached with the topic of my future, I nod assuringly. "I'll think about it, right now I'm just taking in all my options. I never realized how many there were last time."

He chuckles. "Yeah, you're a lucky ass that didn't weigh all the options."

"And that's my fault." I relent. "But don't bash your team. Be proud of where you are. Just because they aren't champions don't mean they aren't worth a damn. I'm proud to say you're here."

"Thanks, man." He gulps. "Stella was never really impressed with my decision to go here and I guess it rubbed off a little."

"I felt that. I'm learning I'm a whole new person and I sorta like him."

Our food is placed in front of us and the subject is dropped. A sense of understanding washing over us.


"Sage, man, you good?"

The arm shaking my shoulder knocks me back to reality and out of my fixation on the thousands of screaming fans and the band. Turning to James and Avery, who watch me cautiously, I blink. "This is... Is it always this crazy?"

James laughs. "You should be here for the Auburn game."

"Or LSU, it's mind blowing." Nina adds and I can't find the words to respond. I thought I could handle a crowd. My mind control is one of my proudest features, dad spent an entire summer drilling me with random noises, anything from the twins crying to insults, teaching me to block it out.

I guess I was so good, I started doing it off the field too.

"I can't believe they act like we're not even here." The amount of noise is causing my teeth to vibrate.

We watch as the third quarter begins, not that it's much of a game to watch. Alabama is killing Vanderbilt and I'd be lying if some small, passive aggressive part of me is enjoying it.

Our entire section stands to our feet as Ashton makes an unbelievable throw. Our shouts of joy turning to shocked gasps as he's tackled to the ground for no reason. A Vanderbilt player stays on top of him and I can feel Ashton's rage from here as he's pulled to his feet and lunges for the guy.

Clay and Easton hold him back and Nina slaps her seat. "Let him go! Kick his ass!"

The boys and James echo her opinions, but Scarlett just stands there, Avery grabbing her arm. "He's okay, Scar."

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