Chapter 14:Master of Puppets

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"Sorry I leaned against the wall and turned off the lights by accident." Travis said while flipping the light switch.

Once the lights blared back on Jessie became disoriented from the glare. As his vision finally corrected itself he was standing face to face to a very tall man. He was wearing a straight jacket, with a chain on his ankle, and a noose around his neck. He had long red hair, it seemed almost alive. Each tip held a small bell that rang as he swayed his head.

Jessie gasped and stumbled over backward landing on his behind. He looked up to see a man staring at him, a smile on his face and solid black eyes.

"It's you..." Jessie said shook to his very core.

The man stood up fully. He stretched his neck and looked around at everyone in the room. He looked at each person not saying a word. Silence overtook the group, the man's presence brought unease to everyone. Almost like being near him was wrong. An affront to God.

"H-hello Kazimir. It's nice to see you again." Micheal said taking a giant step back.

Quickly and precisely the man now known as Kazimir ran to Micheal till he was face to face with him.

"Hi there Micheal." Kazimir said as he sniffed Micheal's face causing him to shiver. He had a charming voice, but it was cold and lacked any emotion. He was smiling and nothing about him seemed happy.

"I missed you, buddy, I was beginning to think you didn't want to see me again." Kazimir said with a slight hint of sadness behind his voice. He played it off by smiling at Lily and laughing an empty joyless laugh.

"Like that could ever happen! Micheal here loves me! Don't you buddy? He wouldn't lie to me." He said as he licked Micheal's face.

"O-of course K-Kazimir. How could I not." Micheal said shrugging theatrically as he took another step back.

"Then why run from me!" Kazimir shrieked as he bit down onto one of Michael's legs causing him to cry out and kick him away. Kazimir flew across the room and landed with a hard thud against the wall. A cloud of dust hid him from everyone's view.

"N-no, Kazimir! I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." Micheal said as he rushed to help him passing the girls and Travis.

They heard shallow laughing and a chill ran down Jessie's back.

This guy, he's scarier than I remember. He's completely different than the others. He just took a huge hit from spider guy and he's laughing? Something is very wrong here, we need to get Mia out now.

A silhouette appeared behind the dust cloud, it was slowly crouching as the laughter intensified. Suddenly Kazimir propelled himself towards Micheal landing on his thorax, his back towards him.

He arched his back almost as if he was trying to do yoga. His face was behind Micheal's and he leaned towards his ear.

"Oh, how I love when you get angry. It really looks good on you Mikey. Why don't you let me make you more than angry." Kazimir said as he corrected his posture and jumped off his body.

He walked towards Rose and bent his knees till he was face to face with her. Travis stepped into between the two and tried to say something only to be cut off by Kazimir's laughter. He threw his head back and fell on his back dying of laughter.

He looked at Travis, tears in his eyes, and spoke with excitement in his voice.

"I can see your thoughts little boy! You'll never have closure, never have your beautiful flower and you'll never be happy." Kazimir said as he stood up using his face to support him.

"You're like me boy. I like you, what's your name?" Kazimir said as he leaned towards Travis, this time almost knocking him over.

"It's Travis, and even if all of those are true. I'm still gonna kick your ass." He said as he pushed Rose back.

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