Chapter 38: Starkiller

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"Why cant I ever be friends with a girl that doesn't hit me." Jessie said as he walked down the hallway. He held his side feeling the pain grow as time went on.

"When this is all over I should give Sam a chance, at least she wont punch me."

His breathing became strained the farther he walked, slowing his pursuit of Lily. He rested his hand against the wall beside him as he made his way, the cold stone walls felt smooth against his palm. It helped keep him grounded as he made his way farther down the hall.

Wincing he looked down to see his hands coated in a thick red, making him feel nauseas.

"Lily!" Jessie cried out.

Silence answered him and he sighed.

"Lily I'm sorry for being an ass!"

Again his only answer was the silence that followed.

"Dammit Lily I said I was sorry!" Jessie said as his frustration boiled.

A voice in the distance stopped Jessie in his tracks as he strained to listen. Only able to hear his own ragged breathing he continued on, hesitant to call out.

I'm getting a bad feeling L.

He stopped again suddenly uneasy when he didn't hear a response.

L? You there?

A sudden Explosion of light as the end of the hall followed by a scream brought Jessie crashing back down to reality.

"Lily!" he cried out as he ran as fast as he could. The rebar jostled around as he ran slowing him down as he made his way closer towards the light.

"Lily answer me!" He cried out once more.

Another flash of light blinded Jessie momentarily causing him to stumble against the wall beside him. His breathing quickened as the pain in his side became unbearable, he grasped his side as blood steadily poured. He looked up towards the end of the hall to see a dark open room, two Silhouettes were visible but Jessie couldn't make out who they were.

"Jessie!" A voice cried out from beyond the hall.

"Lily just hold on!" Jessie answered.

He pushed himself off the wall with difficulty hearing the sword at his hip scrape against it. He walked as fast as he could desperately trying to make his way towards the room.

Towards Lily.

He gasped for air feeling his strength pour out from his side, his blood soiled his clothes. Another flash of light revealed the inside of the room, and just who was inside. It was for a moment but he could see a black cloak, it brandished Plague's symbol on the arm.

As he entered the room he could feel an intense heat wave wash over him, it was overwhelming as it took hold of the entire room. The sound of a fight beside him caused him to see the two silhouettes trading blows, one was significantly longer than the other.

"Lily!" Jessie cried out in the darkness.

He watched as the longer silhouette launched one of its arms towards the other catching it square in the chest.

"He's chosen Jessie! Step back!" Lily cried out.

A sudden burst of light and heat blinded them both, leaving Jessie blind as a heavy blow across his face left him sprawled out on the floor. He grabbed the side of his face and screamed as an intense searing pain sent alarms ringing in his head.

"Oooooh that looks like it really hurts." A voice sneered above Jessie.

He struggled to open his eye and winced as he tried to sit up.

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