Chapter 33

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"Ok hands up, who's got a phone." Travis said as he raised his own into the air.

Jessie raised his hand brandishing his own phone, he looked around the group surprised to see only one other person raising their hand.

"Only three maps? That isn't gonna be enough." Lucas said as he lowered his hand.

"We're just gonna have to make do until we can find more soldiers and take more." Travis said as he kicked an unconscious soldiers boot.

"Why did only three of them have maps anyways? How else are they supposed to find their way around this place? It's massive!" Toby said as his voice echoed across the walls. Jessie felt a hand clasp his shoulder and jumped to see another Toby lean against him.

"It makes no sense." The second Toby said before disappearing into a cloud of dust.

"Sorry it's involuntary." Toby said in a hushed voice.

"Huh so that's what you can do. Nevertheless, the men we took these phones are most likely high ranking soldiers, the rest must the grunts." Travis said covering his mouth and brushing away the dust.

"Not that it really matters, at they end of the day they both go down the same way. So where to next fearless leader?" Sarah asked.

They all turned towards Lucas and he slowly shook his head.

"No no I don't think I should be the one making the shots here. Why not have Travis or Jessie make the call? They are better informed about the whole situation than me?" Lucas said confused.

"You know everything we do, and no offense man but we're kids. Jessie doesn't even have his license yet." Travis said.

"I agree with Travis, besides it's your responsibility as an adult to take care of us." Rose said stepping forward.

"You guys are almost eighteen, you're practically voting age." Lucas replied.

"They want us to vote and be able to understand what a mortgage is but won't teach us, typical." Lily said with a smirk.

"Stop trying to shove off the responsibility onto the kids Luke. Just give us the order." Akita said annoyed.

Lucas hesitated and Jessie could see him struggling to come up with a valid argument.

He's scared.

What makes you say that?

It's just a hunch.

"You guys know what happened the last time I lead us into something like this. I can't have that happen on my watch again." Lucas said staring at his band mates with a sad look in his eyes.

Feeling tense Jessie scratched the back of his head. He could see Travis messing with his ring and sighed.

You can cut the tension with a knife.

What does that mean? I'm curious.

I'll tell you another time.

"Fine, whatever." Sarah said surprising Jessie. She turned towards him poking her finger into his chest.

"Smokey here can take the lead then."

"This isn't happening, I don't know the first thing about leadership." Jessie said stunned.

"Oh it's happening, now no more arguing what's next chief." She said as she crossed her arms across her chest.

I'm supposed to lead this?! I'm gonna get us all killed!

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