Journal Entry: Lily Han

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The first time I met those three was the day the school got attacked. One of the worst days of my life, being corralled into classrooms, being terrified for two hours only to be taken hostage doesn't sound fun to me. I'll start at the beginning.

It was a regular start for what seemed to be just another day. A lot of my friends were out sick from the outbreak of some weird disease but from what I heard they'd be fine. So I was alone in the library in the children's stories section hiding from other people when I heard a commotion behind the shelf. I saw two boys one short, blonde, with glasses speaking to a tall black-haired kid

He had green eyes and looked very familiar.

I felt weird staring at them so I left the library. Nothing really exciting happened until after fourth period. That's when we got the warning to go into the classes that we were in a lockdown. I was pretty scared and being pushed against strangers didn't help. That's when the first explosion went off. Panic spread through the crowd like wildfire and it became a mess of screaming and running.

I was pushed into the cafeteria and couldn't get back out into the hallway because of the crowd so I decided to hide in the kitchen. I ran into the back and hid inside one of the empty fridges. A few minutes later I heard another explosion it was smaller but it was very close. I decided to peek my head out and was surprised to see the cafeteria doors blown onto the floor with the two boys from earlier standing at the doorway.

When they started on their way to the hall I saw the girl that was with them. Her arms were on fire and she didn't seem fazed at all.


When they had all left I determined it was best for me to head to a safe room. The one in the gym was closest. Before I even made it to the hallway I was blindsided by a man wearing a dark coat.

I screamed and tried to run away, I stayed in place and couldn't move my body. He walked calmly around me looked me in the eye and slapped me across the face. His ring cut me and I blacked out.

When I woke up I was somewhere outside and there was a sack on my head. All I could tell is that there were at least four people there. Their voices were quiet but I could still make it out. There was a cold voice rising in anger and eventually, he grabbed my throat. I could feel pick him pick me up and hold me in the air as I choked. I struggled kicking and flailing wilding trying anything to get away.

The more I struggled the weaker I became and slowly my mind started to go blank. Single scariest moment of my life, being choked to death while being bound and gagged. Some real horror movie stuff.

As I was about to pass out the man released his grip. I didn't even mind falling to the ground as I took the biggest breathe I've ever had in my life. I minded afterwards as some places their hand right on where I fell. They tried to tell me I'd be all right but that coming from such a shaky voice didn't put me to ease.

As I laid in that persons arms trying to correct my breathing I couldn't really tell what was happening. Eventually I felt the person lay me beside a wall and apologized to me. He seemed confident this time but at the time I was more preoccupied with my impending death.

I was so confused about what was happening the entire time, not being able to see the fight really scared me as I heard what appeared to be a fight to the death. Suddenly what sounded like a explosion ended the fight leaving me alone with the silence.

After what seemed like the longest minute of my life li heard footsteps to my right and prepared myself for the first. The closer they got the colder I got as if all the heat from earlier disappeared.

He told me he was here to help me, so I rammed my head into his chest. Not my best decision. After he recovered and took the bag off my head the sunlight blinded me. As my eyes adjusted all I could see were the most beautiful pair of green eyes I've ever seen. It stunned me even more as I recognized the man who had saved me.

The boy from the library.

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