Chapter 24

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This is gonna be a loooong night.

Jessie thought as he brushed off smoke from his shoulder. He stared at the others as they roamed the street looking to commit another felony. They stood arguing over a Honda as Toby turned and theirs eyes met. He smiled as he ran over to Jessie.

"Hey how you feeling bud?" Toby asked as he nudged Jessie's shoulder once he arrived. "Are you still upset about what Akita said. He tends to say things before thinking so don't take it to heart."

"I'm not upset anymore, am I a little annoyed yes but that doesn't make what he said any less true." Jessie said as he rubbed his neck. He shivered due to the rain beating down on them and sighed.

"I just wish I could have done something for the people in the bar."

"We did what we could. We tried our best." Toby said placing his hand on Jessie's shoulder.

My best wasn't enough.

"Look Jessie, your still a kid you don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. We're here as well let us help you." Toby said squeezing his shoulder. "You don't have to tell me now what's really bothering you but I do expect you to confide in me. After all we're friends now." He said with a smile.

Jessie felt his shoulders loosened and smiled.

"Yeah being your friend sounds nice, thanks for the pep talk." He said as pushed his wet hair back.

"Hey are you guys gonna help us steal a car or what?" Jessie heard Lucas yell from across the street.

Well there goes our deniability.

"We should go before he incriminates us for more crimes." Jessie as he stepped onto the street. Toby followed behind him handing Jessie Akita's jacket.

"Your gonna get sick from this rain if your not careful."

"I actually don't know if I can get sick anymore. Actually in the past two days I've healed broken ribs, two holes in both ears, and a broken jaw." Jessie said as he rubbed the spot on his ear where the hole used to be.

"Wow that black smoke of yours sure is helpful." Toby said concerned.

Jessie watched as Lucas and Akita bickered over the Honda as they approached. The window had been smashed and akitas sword had been unhooked from his belt.

"You can't just go breaking windows man!" Lucas argued as he gestured to the broken window.

"Who cares we're taking it anyways so why does it matter?" Akita said hooking his sword back into his belt.

"We are so not driving around in this Honda." Toby said giving a dramatic look at the car. Akita sighed.

"Look it's either this or nothing so make your choice."

"Behind you."

Jessie turned as a chill ran down his spine. He grabbed his neck and felt the hair on his neck standing up.

Who said that?

He scanned the street behind him, not seeing anyone he sighed.

Your going crazy Cruz.

His eyes stopped on the car they tried to steal earlier to see an empty dented roof. The woman who laid there was now gone.

"Guys we might have a problem." Jessie said as he pointed to the car. The others turned to face where he was pointing and Toby gasped.

"Where did she go?" Toby asked taking a step forward.

"How did she get back up from that?" Akita said scratching his mask. "She looked burnt to a crisp."

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