Chapter 26: Go to the Light

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Jessie laid his head against the wall of the van as he felt the rush of air pass through the hole in the side. He closed his eyes feeling his body ache.

I'm so tired, it feels like I just ran a marathon, this smoke really drains you.

"Hey Jessie is this your street?" Lucas asked as he slowly approached a secluded neighborhood.

Jessie opened his eyes slowly and peered outside the van. He recognized the street signs and sighed.

"Yeah this is my street." Jessie said.

He felt his friends eyes on him as he stared straight ahead. Jessie could see from the corner of his eyes the looks of worry and felt sick.

I hope I don't find anything.

He turned to see Lucas, his eyes staring straight ahead looking out for miles and felt a grip on his heart.

But if I don't find anything then we really have no way to find Mia.

"Pull up to the end of the street I don't want to explain to my mom why I just came out of a strange man's van." Jessie said quietly.

"Are you sure kid?" Lucas asked.

"I actually want to go alone if no one has a problem with that."

He could feel the silence as everyone looked at him.

"Jessie wouldn't it be better if we went with you to help look?" Rose asked confused.

"I can't really explain to my mom why I have four middle age adults with me and to be honest she doesn't really like you or Travis." Jessie said bluntly.

"Are you sure you can really do all this yourself?" Travis asked concern in his voice.

"No but I'll have to make do."

"I have a really bad feeling about this Jessie." Lily said worriedly.

Jessie felt it too. Deep in his gut he knew he was gonna find something bad.

Please just give us a clue nothing more.

"He'll be fine Lily. Right Jessie?" Travis asked.

"Of course I will."

Jessie stood in the doorway and knocked. He knew no one was home.

I'm sorry guys but I have to do this alone.

Taking a deep sigh he walked through the doorway and found no one waiting. Just an empty house.

He walked through his house looking in his living room and in his kitchen, for his mom. He began to call her name hoping for a response. Knowing she wasn't home. He checked his phone after not hearing a response, no new messages. He stared at the ceiling and felt a rush of sadness hit him hard.

She was with me in the hospital after the fire.I thought things were gonna be different, no more disappearing.

He walked to the stairs, stopping short he stood at the base and looked at the photos that lined the walls. The walls were lined with empty family memories. Each one he passed the lonelier he felt. He looked at a portrait of his mother feeling empty as he stared into her equally empty eyes.

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