Chapter 12

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"So I think she remembers us." Jessie said after recovering from a horrible pillow attack.

"Why are you guys here huh? Gonna Finish what you started on that roof, gonna make sure I stay down?! Well fuck that and you." Lily said as she stood on her bed and reeled back her fist.

Her fist coiled back into her forearm roll upon roll of squished flesh, being pushed back by her fist.

"What the fuc-" Jessie exclaimed as lily launched her fist at him. With only a split second to react, he dodged her punch and watched as she smashed a pot behind him.

"Hey so the smoke did give her powers." Rose said as she pointed at the retracting arm.

"Hey, that's cheating. Let me punch you!" She yelled as she coiled her fist again.

"Uh anyone wanna help me?" Jessie asked nervously.

"All you man." Rose said as she put up her hands in a non-aggressive gesture. Mia followed her example.

Lily launched again this time catching Jessie off guard and striking him in the face.

"Ow! Man, she's got quite the arm. Well, a real stretchy arm." He said as he massaged his jaw.

"Enough of this already." Rose said as she walked between the two.

Lily looked at her ready to attack wary of Rose's next move.

"Okay one, nice shot that was funny. Two why do you think we are here to hurt you?" Rose asked as she looked at the mark on Jessie's jaw.

Lily uncoiled her hand and got off her bed.

"Aren't you guys with the bird guy? I mean you guys can do things like him. Especially this guy." She said while pointing at Jessie.

Her finger was right in Jessie's face despite her being ten feet away. He moved it out of his face and moved towards Rose and the others.

"I don't know why Plague and I have the same powers but one thing is certain, you punched the shit out of me from all the way over there, so you have powers as well." He said as he poked his face.

"You have a point but hey aren't you missing one. The short kid?" Lily asked as she stepped down from her bed.

The curtain in there other bed suddenly opened a very relaxed Travis. He had a cast on his arm, it was pink.

"Hi, I'm Travis. The giant man to the left is Jessie, he's the one who apparently helped with your ability, and the beautiful woman to the right is Rose. She shoots fire." He said while pointing to the respective person.

"You were there the whole time!" Lily said as her jaw dropped to the floor. Literally.

"First of all gross." Travis aid while gesturing to Lily's jaw on the floor. "Secondly yes I was. I didn't know how to make conversation so I just didn't." Travis said nonchalantly.

"Now if you'll excuse me I haven't used the restroom since yesterday so I'll be heading to the restroom. Don't mind me." Travis said as he hurriedly walked bowlegged to what Jessie assumed was the restroom. Before long he peeked his head back out.

"Hi Mia." He said with a smile as he slammed the door shut. Mia waved and giggled.

"That's so like Travis to do that." Rose said as she stifled laughter.

"You still haven't answered my question, are you with bird guy?" She said having recovered her jaw from the floor.

"No, we are not. His name is Plague and we met him on the roof just like you." Rose said hesitantly.

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