Chapter 41: Electric Love

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"A super cute shower of sparks is just an amazing way to make an entrance isn't it!" A voice said from behind where Travis.

He could feel his heart beat in his throat as he whipped his head around just in time to see an arching bolt of lightning bearing down toward him. His body reacted before he could, he threw his hands up and shuddered as he phased through the bolt. Another screen exploded behind him bringing another showers of sparks and glass.

As he lowered his arms feeling the familiar feel of pins and needles he stared at their attacker in shock.

This lady again?

The familiar face smiled back at Travis behind thick plastic sunglasses. Pulsing bright lights framed the edges only matched the explosion of color that was her outfit. A green spaghetti strap blouse framed her shoulders and led down to a bright pink mini skirt. Blue leg warmers hugged her legs before descending down to her bright purple combat boots.

"Is that Voltage? What a weird wardrobe change." Rose asked stunned by the woman's appearance.

Throwing up a thumbs down the woman made a loud buzzer noise.

"Wrong! That prim and proper princess is sitting pretty in a prison cell. This is a new and improved babe with a lighting sting so fierce it'll send you into shock." She almost sang. "Though I get why you'd confuse us, she is my twin after all."

"The names Electric Love and we're about to have a blast!" Love said as she let out a torrent of arching bolts.

"Grab onto me!" Travis cried out as he took hold of Rose's hand. The others followed and not a moment too soon as the torrent slowly became more focused. As it nearly clipped Sarah, Travis phased the group away from harm.

"Encore encore!" Love cried out as the room soon became awash with glass and sparks.

Travis unphased and grabbed the nearest item.

A stapler is just gonna have to do!

With every once of his chosen enhanced strength he hurled the office supply straight at Love's head. With a dramatic flourish of her fingers she easily shot and shattered the plastic stapler sending broken shards across the room.

"Gonna have to hit me something with something a little harder than that Houdini!" She sneered as she doubled down in laughter.

Her attitude was starting to get on Travis' nerves, he clenched his fists feeling his temper rise.

I'm starting to prefer this lady's sister the more she talks.

"I'll just have to match your energy than." Lucas said as he pulled Travis back and advanced. His other arm brandished his magnum, it glowed a violent blue before deafening the room with its roar.

The smile on Love's face disappeared as two shots pierced through her shoulder and leg. She shrieked as each bullet ripped through her leaving behind giant gashes outlines by charred flesh. An unsettling calm washed over the room as the others stared at a beaming Love as she slowly lowered her gaze throwing Lucas a loving gaze.

"I love a man without fear, what do you say big guy wanna take this out on the town." She said in a voice that left Travis' face flushed. Her wounds poured blood, ruining the carpet below her.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm taken." Lucas said as he pulled back the hammer to his magnum. The brilliant glow almost blinding Travis.

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