Chapter 32

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"You got any plans for the weekend Bill?" Ted asked as he lazily leaned on the metal door beside him.

"Gonna go to Vegas with some of the guys from the lower floors. Planning on taking some vacation time, get fucked up out on the strip." Bill said smiling wide thinking about his time off.

"Wait why wasn't I invited?!" Ted asked suddenly annoyed.

"Well we're going with Steven, and you know." Bill said remembering he wasn't supposed to tell Ted.

"You fuck one guy's wife and suddenly you're the excluded from the everything! The nerve of that guy." Ted said crossing his arms.

"You're an asshole, you know that right?" Bill said raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah I know." Ted hung his head and Bill sighed. Just as Bill was about to console Ted a loud knock came at the shed doors.

"Finally, took those bozos long enough. I can't get drunk off my ass if there's no booze." Ted said suddenly feeling much better.

Each grabbing one side door the two opened the shed doors casting the new days light into the room. Squinting Ted could see two men in The front seat looking down at them.

"Welcome back guys! What took so long?" Bill asked as he motioned for them to come in.

Ted watched as the truck slowly rolled into the shed, leaving them very little room to move around.

"Hey slow down you're gonna crush you idiot!" Bill screamed. The truck stop abruptly making the tires screech.

"You've done this a hundred times and you still can't drive for shit!" Bill said kicking the truck.

"Stop kicking shit and help me close these doors." Ted said already irritated of his partner. Muttering curses under his breathe Bill walked over to meet Ted grasping the metal door. As they two pushed the two doors shut the screeching of metal on metal rattled Ted's bones.

With one final push they doors locked into place and Ted could hear a stalling sound of gears and machinery.

"We're officially closed off from the outside boys, no cell service and no communication with the outside world." Ted said as he walked past the truck towards a small table on the other side of the shed. As he reached the table he reached for a small metal box and opened it to reveal a series of switch's and dials.

"Hurry up over there I'm dying to start on all these goodies?" Bill said confused as he pulled aside the beige colored tarp that covered the back of the truck.

"Why so hesitant now Bill? You were so gung-ho to get your fill of the booze." Ted said as he input the correct series of buttons. Suddenly the floor of the shed shook violently and a terrible screeching was heard drowning out all sounds.

Ted covered his ears with his hands always forgetting to prepare for when this happened. He grit his teeth and thought of much quieter places. As a nauseating feeling welcomed itself into his stomach Ted dropped his hands when the screeching stopped. The floor of the shed slowly started to descend and he sighed in relief.

"I swear this thing is going to be the death of us Bill." Ted said.

Not hearing Bill respond Ted turned around to see no one. Confused he walked towards the truck, as he grew closer he turned to see no one in the front seat.

"Bill?" Ted said as he pulled his rifle from his hip. Moving the strap around his neck he clicked the safety preparing himself. As he approached the back of the truck his nerves had peaked leaving him on edge. Gathering courage he swung around the side of the truck pointing his rifle forward.

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