Chapter 27: A Thousand Eyes

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Jessie felt an intense pressure in his chest as he struggled to hold his breathe. He swam upwards towards the distant light beyond the waters surface desperately reaching for it. His lungs felt as if they were about to burst but he struggled upwards. Paddling his feet he felt the water surrounding him an ice cold terror as he exhaled heavily.

Clutching his throat with one hand he reached out with the other towards the light feeling his hand break through the surface. As he took a deep breathe water filled his lungs, he choked reaching his hand back in the water in a desperate attempt to save his life. He thrashed beneath the surface of the water trying desperately to break the waters surface once again.

Desperately he reached out his hand through the water as the light slowly dimmed as he sank. His eyes stared deep into the light and he felt ice cold. Suddenly a warmth grasped his hand as he was pulled from the depths onto the cold sand. He heaved coughing up sea water and whatever was left in his stomach. Gasping for air he looked up to see a man staring down at him.

"You never were much of a swimmer Jessie." The man chuckled as he sat down beside him. Regaining his composure Jessie laid down on his back beside the man, the oceans water lapped at his legs as he stared into a starless sky.

"W-where am I?" Jessie asked turning to face the man. He looked at his face feeling a sense of familiarity wash over him. His features put Jessie at ease though he didn't know why.

"You're at the beach. The only one that really matters." The man said cryptically as he stared out at the water. Sitting himself up Jessie wrung out the water in his shirt.

"That just confuses me more, a second ago I was in a forest. What's going on?" Jessie asked confused.

"I'm gonna guess something bad happened to you in those woods or you wouldn't be here with me right now." The man said as he grabbed a small stone beside him.

Rubbing his head Jessie tried to focus and remember what exactly happened. His head ached and he groaned as he touched his temple. 

"I remember running from someone but if I try and focus on what happens after I get a splitting headache." Jessie said rubbing his forehead.

"That's fine I suppose, somethings are better left forgotten." The man said.

"I never thanked you for pulling me out the water there, I really appreciate the help." Jessie said as he stared out at the water ahead. "What's your name.?"

The man looked uneasy as Jessie asked. He placed his hand on the back of his neck and lowered his gaze.

"I would rather not say, my name isn't really important anymore anyways." He said sheepishly.

"Ok...can you at least tell me where this beach is I have to get back to my friends." Jessie asked confused.

"Oh there's no going back believe me. This beach is the end of the line." The man said skipping the stone across the surface of the water.

"What do you mean?"

"I said what I meant, this is the end of the line."

"That's still not clearing up anything for me, I'm more confused than when we started talking."Jessie said exasperated. "Please stop being so cryptic and be straight with me here."

"Want the truth kid? Are you really sure?" The man said as he stared out into the horizon.

"That's what I wanted from the beginning."

"You can't go back to your friends because they're still alive, while you aren't." The man said turning to face Jessie.


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