Chapter 13

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Lucille P.O.V.

I chose to go upstairs where the office of the Alpha is located. I stood away from the door so I couldn't listen to their conversation. I was curious as to what the Alpha's name was. He peaked my interest because it felt like he was familiar. But maybe it was just my imagination.

I sat on the ground because they are probably going to talk for a while. Without realizing it I dozed off.

I heard some talking but I was too tired to open my eyes.

When I finally opened my eyes I realized that I was laying down on a bed. An unknown bed in a room that I have never seen before. I looked around and saw that no one was in here. I looked on the bed and saw that I was covered in white sheets. I think this was a guestroom of the packhouse. I decided to get out off bed and search for Hellen. I was curious to what happend to her and the Delta. I hope not something bad or an punishment.

Walking to the door I saw that the doorknob was turning and someone walking in. He was big like 6''7 and had black hair covered with tattoo's. He had broad shoulders and an amazing scent. I didn't know I was staring at him when I saw him looking at me without any emotion. Or I couldn't read it. I immediatly looked down at my feet. This must probably be his room.

''Uhm sorry for staring at you. I didn't know this was your room and I don't know how I got here. I'm so sorry I won't do it again.'' I rambled. He made me nervous. Being around him made my heart beat faster but I couldn't decide that it was bad or not.

He still didn't say anything and when I looked up I saw him staring at me.

"I saw you laying down on the ground." He said in a heavy french accent. I nodded expecting that he would say more but he didn't say anything else.

"Oh okay, thank you. I am leaving now. Bye" and I walked to the door waving at him and left the room.

When I closed the door I finally let out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding. He was so intimidating. You could feel that he was powerful. I didn't know who he was but he probably is an Alpha. How else can he get so big and the aura around him?

I was walking down the stairs going to the office to see just Hellen walking out of the office with Leon following behind her. 

She looked way calmer now. 

''Hellen!'' I rushed down the stairs and gave her a big hug. 

''I'm so sorry sweety for not noticing everything'' she hugged me tighter as much as she could. 

''It's okay no worries, are you okay now?'' I took a step back and looked at her. She really looked tired from all the stress. 

''Yeah she should be all right now'' Leon told me with a small smile. 

''Okay, let's go I wanna go home'' and I took Hellens hand and walked back to the truck. 

Meanwhile in the truck I didn't look back and drove back home. 

When we arrived home I went to my room to do my homework. After all I still need to graduate and move to Europe. 

Aunt Hellen didn't want me to go to school anymore but I didn't care because I know I can handle it. I did it till now so why not a couple months more. After this I won't see them ever again anyways. 

After working on my homework for hours I realized it was dark and I forgot to eat dinner. 

Walking down the stairs I saw Aunt Hellen and Leon cuddling on the couch looking out the window. It was cute how they fit into each other. Sadly I don't have a werewolf so I don't have a mate either. But it's okay I will be a doctor later so I can help other people too. 

Walking into the kitchen I see food already made. Probably Leon because Aunt Hellen can't make food at all. 

''Lucy, Leon made food for us already. We ate because I saw you where busy with homework so I didn't wanna bother you.'' I smiled back at her but her back was turned around to me. 

''Thank you Leon for making this food'' I said and Leon looked back to me and smiled. 

''You're welcome Lucille'' and turned around. 

While having dinner I decided to eat downstairs while talking to Aunt Hellen and Leon. 

Leon was actually really funny. He told me some childhood memories how he was a naughty little boy. And it showed me how things where back in their time. Sometimes I could see that he became nostalgic. It must be hard to wake up a couple centuries later to a whole new world. 

Someday I will ask him about how they got cursed, but I don't think that will be anytime soon. 

After dinner I decided to go upstairs because Aunt Hellen decided that I shouldn't go out in the dark to the woods anymore because it's dangerous. I was looking out the window  thinking about everything and what not. After a while I fell asleep to the sound of the woods. 

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