Chapter 10

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General P.O.V. 

Hellen walked into the room Lucy was in. She looked pale. If she had her wolf she would have been already starting to heal. Leon was close behind her, he didn't want her to feel lonely in this situation. 

Hellen was silent, she didn't want to say anything. Alpha Carter was behind Leon. He was worried how his pack member was doing and looked like. 

Hellen started walking to her bed and hold her hand carefully. Her hand was cold. The room was big enough to fit 10 people but the Alpha ordered that no one would come in besides them and the doctors. 

It looked like Lucy was dead if it wasn't for the heart monitor beeping. For a while Hellen didn't say anything and neither did Carter. He was busy thinking about how did could happen and she needed to heal as a human. ''If I asked her and brought her to school she wouldn't be in this situation'' Hellen said in a broken voice. As the head warrior of the Lotus pack she never showed herself as a weak person. Because she had people to protect. But the most person to her she couldn't protect. 

Zion stayed in the hallway. He didn't want to intrude. ''Zion, go look around the border and search for any signs about the rogue. I will handle it here'' Alexus told Zion. Zion nodded and walked away. 

Alexus walked into the room and stood next to Carter. After they woke up the royal pack decided that they would train the new upcoming Alpha's and Beta's. Even tho his pack didn't like the royalties, they needed to obey them, for now. Back in their time they didn't really have the so called ''royalties''. The Timidus pack was one of the strongest packs in the world from what they knew. But because of some kind of curse they where put to sleep, leaving everything behind what they where familiar with. There pack consisted of people who where orphans or rogues that wanted to belong to a pack. The reason that their pack consists of only man is because woman where with their mates which made them immediatly belong to the pack their mates where in. Now that his head warrior found his mate, who is also a headwarrior made things complicated. But that is a problem for later. 

Alexus knew about the rogue attacks happening in America. His pack and he where still getting used to this era and the knew clothing. As the Timidus pack every pack on earth where notified about their existence and also not having a pack ground. They where free to walk around if they notified the packs when they where nearby. 

Hearing the knews after in less then a week that their soon to be Alpha's left their sides that their already happend a rogue attack suprised them. He was curious about the person or the group of people behind this. 

Carter looked deep in thought when Alexus stood beside him. Eric went up to the office notifying the other Alpha's about what happend. Being in the camp for years, basically growing up with the soon to be Alpha's and Beta's they learned a lot about each other. They fought, made allies and also became good friends in the proces. 

Alexus looked at his head warriors mate and saw that she was crying while holding the girls hand. When looking at the girl, he was intrigued. Even if she knew that she could never handle a rogue as a human, she still fought and saved the young boy. Maybe it was weird but his wolf was being restless around her. He knew she wasn't his mate because he didn't feel the soulmate connection with her. But still he felt a bond with her. 

Carter sighed and looked up to Hellen. He walked closer to the bed and saw her tear streaked face while holding Lucies hand. Leon was comforting his mate in the meantime. 

''Hellen, I will try my best to find out what happend today. You should take a shower and maybe rest for a while'' Carter made a suggestion. 

Hellen sniffed. ''No I can't leave her, I am the only person she has. I can't abondon her in this situation'' she stroked Lucies pale face. Which made her cry more. She was the first person to find her and her parents when they where in the carcrash. She was patrolling the packgrounds when she was 17/18. Seeing a car that was upside down besides the road made her curious. Reaching the car she immediatly knew that they where werewolfs who died. At sight she immediatly notified her parents and the Beta. She looked around the car to look for signs but she couldn't find anything. This didn't look like an accident. In 10 minutes most of the warriors and the Alpha and Beta where there. When one of the warriors looked inside the car they saw a child who was unconscious. They could hear her pulse but sadly her parents passed away on sight. Hellen took her into her arms and ran to the pack doctor, while being carefull with her wounds. Hellen was sad, she was still a child and her parents where murdered. Her family took it on them to take care of Lucy until they found her other family. Days became months, months became years and with the help of the Royal pack they found out that all her relatives weren't alive. After that the pack decided she could join the pack. But there was one problem, she didn't have wolf. Which made her weak, weaker then other human beings. After Hellens parents chose to travel around the world that became the 2 of them living on their own. 

Carter nodded and didn't say anything because he knew she needed some time to recollect herself. Carter looked at Alexus and left the room. Alexus nodded and walked behind Carter, so that Leon could comfort his mate. 

Alexus and Carter walked into the office to talk about what they need to do to prevent more of these attacks and lose another member. 

In the meantime Zion turned into his wolf and was running around the border looking for any signs. He didn't see the girl that was attacked. 

Zion was a bigger wolf then a normal Alpha. He was black with a silver glow and scars on his body. It was night now and he was halfway of the pack when he smelt a distinct smell of blood. His wolf went crazy and he immediatly turned into the woods where the smell came from. He came to a place full of broken trees that where on the ground. Slowly sniffing the ground while walking he was trying to look for where it came from. It was a trail that was going back to the packhouse. 

That meant that the girl who was now in the hospital was the owner of the blood trail. He didn't understand why his wolf was going crazy. Until he started to listen his wolf. ''Mate, Mate, Mate'' he froze hearing his wolf calling mate. How can he, a cruel monster like him have a mate? 

How is that possible? 

Zion was confused about the situation and walked back away from the packhouse where his mate was laying in. He turned the opposite way and ran to the border of the pack. 

He never expected to find a mate. 

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