Chapter 4

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Lucille P.O.V.

I was late to class because of Eric and Carter. Opening the door for the classroom I immediately looked to the ground knowing that everyone's heads will turn to me. ''You are late Ms.Lucille, don't do it again'' and Mrs.Lukas was back to teaching again. Because I have such a good relationships with my teachers and me always doing my homework they liked me a lot. I furiously walked to my seat that was in front of the classroom. I could hear people snickering but I just ignored it. 

The class passed by and it was now time for English class. The Alpha and Beta would be there too and I just hope that they already would start ignoring me. But luck was not on my side when I packed my bag leaving the room as last they stood there waiting for me. Carter and Eric stood patiently next to the door waiting for me. People passing by would bow their heads or just look confused why they were waiting there. 

''Finally, we have been waiting for you for ages!'' Eric put his hands in the air proving his point. I immediately felt guilty for them waiting for me. ''I-I am sorry guys you didn't need to wait for me'' and I bowed my head. I couldn't see their faces but I heard them sigh. 

Eric put his arm around me and we started walking to class. ''Lucy, don't worry we aren't mad at you right Carter?'' and he pats Carter's shoulder. I didn't dare to meet their eyes so I just looked at their shoulders or below. 

''Yeah Lucy, no worries. We are your friends we won't be mad at you'' he turned his head to look at me and he had an easy-going smile on his face. I just smiled back awkwardly. I heard people whispering but couldn't make out what they were saying. I wish I had my wolf and could have some confidence. 

Reaching class everyone stopped talking and looked at us. Eric still had his arm around me and Carter just smiled at them and walked to an empty table for 3. 

''Come sit with us'' and he slightly pushed me to the empty seat next to Carter. I was scared that if one of the mean girls saw this, they would be furious at me! I was anxious and wanted this class to end as fast as possible. After 5 minutes the teacher came and she started the class. It was going great, Carter and Eric were really focusing on what the teacher said and they didn't bother me at all. Usually, everyone who I sat with would immediately think that I would take notes for them too. 

This class passed by too and it was time for me to take lunch. I never eat in this break and go to the library to do my homework. I already packed my bad and wanted to leave them so they could eat their lunches. Knowing that the Alpha and Beta are always hungry I didn't want to bother them. 

Before I could leave the classroom they called me. ''HEY wait for us!''Eric said and put his backpack on his one shoulder and stood by me. ''I never eat at the small break, I always go to the library'' luckily there was no one anymore in this room so we wouldn't stop people in the doorway. 

''Come eat lunch with us, maybe we can meet one of your friends'' Eric said and was already making his way to the lunchroom. I started to get anxious not knowing how to tell them that I actually don't have friends. I started running after him and the Alpha hoping I could stop them from embarrassing myself. 

I halt in the empty hallway now. ''I don't have friends'' and I look to the ground already embarrassing myself. I felt horrible. I heard them stop too and didn't even dare to look at them.

I am such a fool.

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