Chapter 39, Lights, Camera & Action

Start from the beginning

We wave back at the crowd and sit down in the seats.

"Hey guys, welcome to the show!" Jimmy greets us smiling at us.

"Thank you, Jimmy! I'm a big big fan. I'm so happy ahhh!!" Mia squeals.

"Hahaha thank you that means so much, can you guys fully introduce yourselves?" Jimmy asks.

It starts at Katelyn.

"Ok well, I'm Katelyn Valerie."

"I'm Dezi Rivers."

"I'm Henry Rivers."

"I'm Elijah Jones."

"I'm Mia Perffeta."

"I'm Jessica North.

"I'm Taylor Rose."

"I'm Felicity Valentino."

"I'm Josh Williams." "And I'm Damon Williams."

"Very nice to finally meet you guys. So tell me how did this all start? How did all of you survive together? I've only heard a bit of the story, I Just came back from France so I'm on a bit of an edge after the apocalypse and everything." Jimmy says in a jolly tone.

"So basically, I had a Mansion out in the country and so I got the girls and I, Elijah and Henry went there to stay safe. Later on we met the boys, Josh, Ethan and Aiden. Ethan and Aiden sadly died as we said in the report. Then we met Damon a few weeks later and we've all been together ever since." Katelyn states.

"That's such a catching story! It's such a crazy adventure I can only imagine what you guys have been through. But I do have questions. Dezi, Henry you have a child and you are only 20 years old. When did this happen? How did she grow up so fast?" He questions.

Uh oh, Dezi starts to sweat, they can't reveal anything about the vampire in her.

"I had Alison...during the apocalypse. I guess she just grew up so fast. You know kids these days you turn around and they're all grown up." Dezi chuckles.

"Yeah your right, next question. Mia, what happened to Ethan? You mentioned in one of the reports you were once a couple."

"Uhhh, yes. But then he turned out to be a psycho so I guess.. Things had to end, and now I have Damon. My superhero." Mia holds his hand.

Everyone aw's.

"That's beautiful Mia..Now that you said that. Damon, you do seem like a superhero. We have footage of Damon Williams walking, or how I should say speed running to the ice cream store last week, take a look.

The screen had security cameras around the streets, it's him and Mia! Walking to some Ice cream store, Damons looking left to right and he super speeds to the store! God Damon, why would he do that? The camera shuts off.

Everyone looks so frightened.

"Damon, you sure love Ice cream, don't you. Care to tell?" Jimmy asks.

Why is he asking so many questions? Is it because we gave short answers during the reports? Is he asking us this cause he's forced too? This is horrible! He's trying to reveal the truth, if the truth gets out their gonna kill them.

"Yeah..I guess Ice cream brings out my inner speed. I've always been quite the fast runner." Damon stutters.

"You must be the fastest you man in the world, all for just ice cream," Jimmy says back.

He laughs.

"Ok next qu....Uhhh can we go to commercial. Thanks, we'll be right back!" Jimmy states.

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