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Our baby Minchan was born early in the morning. He cried for a while, but after that, he was surprisingly quiet.

I was exhausted and sore, but I couldn't help but find myself looking over Minchan. He's so small. He already has a head of dark hair.

I'm just glad the hardest part is over. Of course, being a parent won't be easy, but I think it should be easier than being pregnant.

The nurse said we can take Minchan home in a day or two, depending on how he's doing and how I'm feeling.

I'm honestly ready to go home. I never really liked hospitals, they scare me.

Jimin and I were both resting. The room was quiet until few familiar faces walked in.

"Parks..!" It was Hoseok who startled us.

Minchan whined at the noise.

"Shh!" Jin elbows Hoseok.

"Oh..! Sorry, sorry!" Hoseok whispers, covering his mouth.

Jimin laughs and gets up to give them all hugs.

"Congrats you two." Namjoon pats Jimin on the shoulder.

"Is that him? What's his name?" Jungkook asks.

"This is Minchan."

"Minchan~ cute."

"Doesn't "Minchan" mean like, "Clever Praise" or something like that?" Taehyung asks.

"Yeah, but I think it suits him." Jimin says.

A few of them took turns holding Minchan for a bit. It was incredible, he didn't cry at all. He would whine or whimper once in a while, but that was all.

"He really looks a lot like you. Both of you. It's crazy." Jin whispers as he's holding Minchan.

"I bet he's gonna be a knockout when he's older." Hoseok jokes.

"Hyung, he's only a few hours old-" Jungkook adds.

"Man...look at you guys. Already married and started a family." Namjoon sighs, "Makes me think about when I'm gonna start my life."

"Don't worry about it, hyung... Everyone's journey is different." Jimin tells him.

"You two are gonna be great parents."

It was nice. They hung out with us for a while until they had to take off again.

Sometime during the day, the nurse came in to remind us of how to take care of a newborn. Jimin seemed to already know what he was doing. Sometimes I feel like he knows more than I do.

Minchan didn't cry much, but when he did, oh gosh, did he cry. He had the lungs of a singer alright.

We kept the lights low and tried to be quiet since newborns are sensitive to these things.

We've been in the hospital for about half a day now. It was almost evening when some more familiar faces peeked into the room.

They must've been really quiet because I didn't notice they were in the room until they all gasped.

I smiled when I saw them. It's been a while.

"Ah, what are you all doing here?" I ask.

"We had to come see you guys!" Nayeon says.

"Sorry we couldn't come sooner." Jeongyeon adds.

"It's okay, you could've showed up any time and we'd be happy."

Jimin was carrying Minchan who was asleep at the time.

"Awww! He's adorable..!" Sana exclaims.

"He's so small~" Tzuyu adds.

"But he's cute." Dahyun says.

"Well what did we expect? His parents are literally Mina and Jimin." Chaeyoung laughs.

"You're right." Jihyo says.

"So what name did you give him?" Momo asks.

"His name's Minchan."

"Aw that's even cuter."

"Minchan~ Hi Minchan..!" Sana whispers.

"Do you want to hold him?" Jimin offers.

Jihyo pauses,"Wait, we should wash our hands first. We don't want him to get sick."

"Thanks, Jihyo." I say.

"I can't believe you're a mom." Tzuyu tells me.

"Me neither." I say.

"You'll be an amazing mom, Mina." Jeongyeon nods.

I didn't want them to go. I enjoyed every moment we had together, but eventually, they had to get back to work.

That night, Minchan just did not want to sleep. Jimin and I stayed up past midnight trying to get the little guy to sleep, but he just wouldn't.

It wasn't until Jimin swaddled him twice and the nurse finally got us a pacifier for him when he fell asleep.

It's okay, when we get to know him more and get used to his habits, we'll get better at this. At least, I hope so.

Brighter Than a Spotlight (BTS Jimin x Twice Mina FF)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu