You In My Heart

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Jimin and I spent the last few weeks in our unofficial honeymoon phase. I tried to make it last and enjoy it as much as I could. My face hurt from smiling so much.

We literally did everything together. Jimin wanted to spend as much time together as we could.

But then the time we were all dreading, finally came. Jimin and Jin are leaving for the military tomorrow. Jimin decided to enlist in the army while Jin went with military police duty.

I wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet. I know they'll be back, but I'm not ready to be apart from Jimin for this long. While he's doing his service, he'll be deployed somewhere else. They can't use their cellphones at all. The only way for them to communicate with us is by writing letters that don't always go through.

I think while Jimin's away, I'll stay back at the Twice dorm. I don't think I can live by myself for almost two years. And besides, I kind of miss living with them. We still stay together when we travel, but some of us live in separate places when we're in Korea.

Jimin didn't leave my side all day. Today was quiet. We slept in late and went to bed early. I cried a lot today because I promised Jimin I wouldn't cry when they leave tomorrow. That's going to be hard.

While he was packing his stuff, he looked at me and sighed.

He takes off his ring, "This doesn't mean anything, okay? I just don't want to lose it while I'm gone."

Instead of wearing his priceless ring, he bought a rubber ring instead. I didn't mind. I kept his original one in a safe place.

They have strict rules on what you can and can't bring with you. Jimin was only allowed to pack a small bag with one set of casual clothes. Everything else he packed was for hygiene.

I think it finally started to hit him after he packed his things. He started to look worried.

"Are you sure you want to serve in the army? You can always do police service with Jin." I tell him. 

"I'll be okay." He looks me in the eyes, stroking my hair, "If I did police service, it would take longer. Police service is twenty months long. Army service is only eighteen. I can do this."

He kept telling me not to worry and that he'd be fine, but I couldn't help it. 

That night, we both had trouble sleeping, but I eventually fell asleep with Jimin hugging me like a teddy bear.

The morning came too quickly. Next thing you know, we were saying goodbye, about to send them off. The rest of BTS was there to say goodbye to Jimin and their hyung one last time.

Seeing Taehyung and Hoseok cry made me feel like crying too, but I held it in.

I was the last one to say goodbye. We hugged for the longest time before we had to let go.

"When I get back, I'm never leaving you again." He sighs, "I'm gonna miss you so much."

"I know, oppa. But you're strong." I rub his arm, "I know you're going to be okay."

He gives me a sad smile.

"Oh, here," he pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me, "I'm not allowed to bring it, so I want you to hold it for me."

I nod, "I can do that."

He leans closer to whisper something in my ear, "You know my passcode. Open my camera roll whenever you miss me."

His camera roll?

"Why? How many selfies did you take?"

He chuckles, "Just trust me."

"I'll write to you as much as I can."

"I don't know if we're allowed to write back, but I'll keep every single one of your letters."

It was the last call for boarding.

Jimin kisses and hugs me one last time.

He picks up his bag, "Don't go anywhere. I'll be back, I promise you."

"I'm not going anywhere." I tell him, "Please stay safe, oppa."

"I will."

"Just know I'll always be thinking about you."

"I'll be thinking about you too. You're my motivation."

He starts turning to leave.

"Wait, Jimin-oppa!" I call.

He stops and turns around.

"I love you."

He smiles, innocently, "I love you too, Minari. I'll be back in no time."



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