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Ever since Jimin asked me that question about my future the other night, I've been thinking.

If we ever did get married, how long would we wait? Would we get married while we still have these jobs? What happens when Jimin eventually has to enlist in the military? Actually, never mind, I'd rather not think about that part.

I can tell that Jimin has high hopes for our relationship. I do too, but it's hard to plan ahead with this kind of life. It's hard to see where we'll both be in so many years.

Jimin has told me that if/when we get married, he wants to have a baby before he has to enlist in the military. In Korea, men have to enlist from the ages of eighteen to twenty-eight so at the latest, that gives us six years to do all of this.

I talked to Sana and Jihyo about this and here's what they said:

"You don't have to if you're not ready by then, Mina. I'm sure Jimin-ssi will respect your preference either way." Jihyo tells me.

"Yeah, if you don't want to, I don't think he'll be too stirred up about it." Sana adds.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that, that's such a short amount of time and it's so soon!"

"Did you talk to him about this?" Sana asks.

"Yes, but not with this much detail. I think we should discuss this again."

I talked to him about this the next time I stayed over at his apartment.

Jimin was sitting on the couch after a long day.

"Oppaya, can we talk?" I ask, sitting next to him.

"Talk? About what? Is something wrong?" He asks, facing me.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just wanted to talk about what you said the other day."

"What did I say again? Sorry, I don't think I remember."

"You were talking about how you wanted to get married and have a baby before you enlist."

"Oh, right. So you were thinking about it?"

"Yeah... I realized that you have to enlist in the next six years."

He sighs, "Six years is not long."

"That's what I was thinking," I say.

He looks at me, curiously. 

"I don't know if I'll be ready to have a family so soon," I say, looking down, "and if we had a baby, you'd miss two years of their life and the-"

He takes my hands, "Love, it's okay. We don't have to do anything until you're sure you're ready."


He chuckles, "To be honest, I'm not even sure I'll be ready by then. Sorry if you got the wrong idea."

I sigh, "Thank gosh, I thought you would be committed to all of this right now."

"Oh no, no." He says, "Trust me, I can wait. And now that I think about it, maybe it would be better if we waited to have a kid until after my enlistment." 

I nod.

"But if we eventually were to have a kid, have you thought about any possible names?" He asks, smiling innocently.



"I mean, it would depend on whether we had a boy or a girl." I say, "Do you think you'd want a girl or a boy?"

"It doesn't matter too much to me. I'll love them either way."

I smile and nod.

"For names though, I was thinking about something with "Min" in it." He says.


"Yeah, since we both have "min" in our names. Ji-min and Min-a."

"Ohh, that's a really good idea. I like that." I say.

He chuckles, "I just thought it'd be nice."

I can't imagine having a baby right now. I'm only twenty. I was a kid longer than I've been an adult.

But moving on, Jimin said he wanted to meet my parents soon, since I already met his. We're planning a trip to Japan the next time our long breaks line up.

I think my mom likes Jimin, but I know my dad feels kind of weird about me dating someone older than me, but we'll see how he feels about Jimin.

For Jimin's birthday, we got matching bracelets just cause I thought it'd be cute. We were able to customize them a little bit so on my bracelet, I had  "10.13.95 ♡ J" engraved on the metal band. Jimin had "3.24.97 ♡ M" on his. He really liked the idea of always having something that reminded him of me with him.

We would stay up really late sometimes. When Jimin's really tired, he starts acting a little...drunk..? He starts opening up a lot more, I'm not even sure if he's aware of it, and when we wake up in the morning, he says he doesn't remember anything.

Here's a "conversation" we had the other night.

"Are you tired yet?" I asked him. 

"No..I just need some sleep."

"Then close your eyes, baby. Get some rest."

"No, I said I'm not tired." He said with his eyes shut.

I pulled him down to lean his head on my shoulder.

"I love you~" He said, sounding drowsy.

"I love you too, oppa."

I thought he was going to go to sleep, but he kept talking.

"You know..." he yawned, "I like that you love me. I get bullied for being short and small, but you don't bully me.."

"Who's bullying you?"

"They call me tiny, but I'm not tiny, I'm manly!" He lifted his head when he said that and then let it fall back down.

"You are."

"I'm so're so lovely~"

I tried not to giggle listening to him. I wish I could've recorded this. I thought he would keep going on for hours, but I listened and only heard snores from then on.

I feel rude to call Jimin "cute" after he just said he was manly, but honestly come on, he can be both.

But underneath his duality is still the Jimin I fell in love with.

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