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I'm away from home right now. BTS is traveling for more overseas promotions.

I still find it difficult to be away from Mina, but nothing can compare to my military service. I know now not to take anything for granted.

I call Mina early every morning because 6:30 AM here is around 11:30 PM in Seoul, so I wish her good night every morning.

I'm a little worried, though. The other day, when we talked, she said she wasn't feeling too well. There's a bit of a flu going around so hopefully she's okay, I'll check up on her again soon.

This was from this morning:

Jimin: Good night love

Mina: Good night? It's not night time over there

Jimin: But it is where you are

Mina: Oh

Jimin: you're adorable 😊

Mina: so what are your plans for today

Jimin: We have more interviews

Jimin: Oh and we're performing on a show later tonight

Mina: not too busy today then

Jimin: How about you?

Jimin: For tomorrow, I mean

Mina: We have a meeting with another girl group in the morning

Jimin: Oh, a collab?

Mina: I can't say, it's still a secret

Mina: But after that we have a fan sign and a few photoshoots

Jimin: Sounds good

Jimin: everything okay?

Mina: yeah

Mina: but I've been feeling a bit sick

Jimin: uh oh

Mina: but it's okay, it's bearable

Jimin: if you say so, just don't work yourself too hard

Mina: I'll be careful

Jimin: You better ;)

After that, I started getting this weird feeling. It's not that anything was wrong, but something felt different....I can't figure it out.

The interviews we had were pretty much back to back with a short lunch break in between.

Each one was pretty long, at least an hour for every one.

One of them was for a live radio station. While we were recording, I kept forgetting that the audience couldn't see us, they only heard us.

"Can you describe the dance for your new song?" We were asked.

"It goes like this-"


"They can't see you, Jimin."


We were in Los Angels, but all in the same day, we went to San Diego, San Francisco, and Las Vegas. Nonstop moving and moving. There were so many sights to see, that we didn't see because we were so busy. I want to come back to all these places one day to actually enjoy them. BTS gets to travel around the world, but it's not always satisfying. I've always wanted to go to Thailand, but when we went last year, we were only able to stay for three days. I mean, I appreciate every opportunity we get, but I just wish we could savor it.

Whenever we were in the car or on the plane, it gave us an opportunity to rest for a bit, but of course, that didn't last long.

Las Vegas was our last stop during this trip. We'd be going back home tomorrow morning. During our schedule, I didn't have much time to check my phone, and when we were in the car, I fell asleep for almost the entire ride. We didn't have service on the plane.

When we finally got back to our hotel in Vegas, I looked at my phone. I had a bunch of missed calls from Mina, and a few messages too. The last text was from around five o'clock. It's now nine. What it read made me panic.

Mina: Oppa, please get back to me as soon as possible, it's urgent

That was four hours ago! What kind of husband am I?

I quickly call her back. It should be around two in the afternoon over there, so hopefully she answers.

She picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hello? Oppa?"

"Minari, is everything okay? Are you okay?" I ask frantically.

"Oh, yeah, I'm okay." She says.

I sigh, relieved, "Then what did you need to tell me that was so urgent?"

"About that..." She was quiet for a second.

"What? What is it?"

"You know how I said I've been feeling sick and drowsy lately?"


"I found out why."

She kept leading me on.


"I don't know if I should tell you now, or wait until we're talking face to face." She says.

"You can tell me now." I insist.

"If you say so." She takes a deep breath.

I didn't know what I was expecting her to say, but it definitely wasn't this.

"Jimin-ah....you're going to be a dad."

Brighter Than a Spotlight (BTS Jimin x Twice Mina FF)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon