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Today is a big day. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna propose to Mina. It's been about a year since we started seeing each other, but I'm ready to take the next step.

Today is the Mnet Asian Music Awards, one of the biggest award shows out there. I volunteered to be one of the MCs. I already know who's going to be winning most of the awards.

My plan is to announce artist of the year, which is usually the last award and the winner should be Twice. I'll stay on stage until they finish their speech, ask Mina to stay on stage, I'll say a few words, and then propose and if all goes well, she'll say yes.

Hopefully everything goes according to plan. I rehearsed what I want to say to her about a million times in my head, but I'm probably going to forget everything once she's standing right in front of me.

I know what I want to say and hopefully at that moment, it just comes from my heart. I wanted to tell Jihyo-ssi about it so they're not confused when it happens. I called her the other day.

"Hello? Jimin-ssi?"

"Yes, hi, Jihyo-ssi, I'm just calling to tell you something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"So the Mnet awards are coming up and I wanted to tell you about my, um...plan."


"You see, that night, I'm planning on proposing to Mina."

"Really? Woah, alright, then what was your plan?"

"So I'm gonna be an MC for the show, and I'll be announcing an award that you guys will win."


"I was going to ask Mina to stay on stage when you'd usually leave, and then propose to her."

"Aw, that's really nice, Jimin."

"I just wanted to tell you so you wouldn't be confused at the show."

"Alright, I'll tell the others so they know too. Well, except for Mina of course."

"Thank you, Jihyo-ssi. I really appreciate it."

When we were getting ready for the show, I had my M bracelet on and my stylist told me I couldn't wear it. I took it off for the red carpet, but put it back on after we got inside. In the back of my head, I was hoping that Mina would wear her bracelet too.

Usually, at award shows, I'd be looking for Mina to say hi, but I was busy with MC things and I didn't want to see her until the big moment.

I was anxious throughout the whole show. Whenever I was on stage to announce something, I was trembling just because the moment kept getting closer and closer.

I couldn't see her in the crowd, but I knew Mina's eyes were on me when I was on that stage.

The show was really long. During the performances, I had to stay backstage so I couldn't watch them. BTS didn't have our own stage this time because we were too busy to put something together.

I kept checking to make sure the ring box was still in my pocket. The last thing I'd want is to propose to Mina without a ring.

The show was coming to an end and I had to announce the winner of the last award.

I spoke into the mic, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible.

"This last award goes to a very special artist. Artist of the year this year had a lot of competition, there are so many amazing artists out there. Here are the nominees."

Brighter Than a Spotlight (BTS Jimin x Twice Mina FF)Where stories live. Discover now