Stuck In My Head

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We finally finished all of our events out side of Korea, so we can go home now.

My sore throat went away, but my knee has been bothering me a bit. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to miss out on any more of the events. I had already missed a few because of my cold.

I talked to Jimin earlier and he said they were in Sydney right now. I'm worried. I hope they're not overworked. Whenever I talk to Jimin, he always sounds tired.

We were at the airport in the morning. We always try to get there early so we don't have to rush.

I was exploring the stores and little restaurants with Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon-unnie.

I bought a few small souvenirs from a gift shop. We don't come to the Philippines often. This was actually our first time here together.

I had fun traveling to all these places with Twice. We always have a good time with each other. There was a part of me that didn't want this trip to end, but I knew we were all tired and needed some rest.

I texted Jimin before we got on the plane. Here, it was about eight o'clock, so over there it must be around eleven.

Mina: Jimin, we're about to head home from the Philippines

Mina: How are things over there?

Jimin: Minari, hi!

Jimin: things are going well over here

Jimin: glad to hear you'll be home soon 😊

Mina: what're you up to rn?

Jimin: rn we're at lunch

Jimin: we have a fan sign after this

Mina: ohhh ok

Jimin: but i wanted to say that something weird happened yesterday

Mina: weird?

Jimin: Yeah, we had a fan sign yesterday too

Mina: What happened?

Jimin: Someone asked me about you

Mina: 😮?

Jimin: they asked if we were friends

Jimin: I said yes but they didn't ask me anything else about it

Mina: that is weird...

Jimin: ikr

Jimin: so anyways

Jimin: I really miss you

Jimin: have I told you that

Mina: yes oppa

Mina: you told me that last night

Mina: and yesterday afternoon

Jimin: well I do

Mina: I know Jiminie

Mina: I miss you too

Brighter Than a Spotlight (BTS Jimin x Twice Mina FF)Where stories live. Discover now