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It's been another two weeks. Our last concert of the tour was last night. Originally, the plan was to stay here for a few more days, to vacation and stuff, but I wanted to go home.

We voted on whether we should stay for a few more days or head home tomorrow.

"Okay, raise your hand if you want to go home tomorrow." Namjoon-hyung says.

I raise my hand, and so does Jin, Hobi, Yoongi, Jungkook and Namjoon.

"Aw, man." Tae sighs.

"Sorry, Tae, but you can choose where we get dinner tonight?" Hobi tells him.

Later that night, I was packing up all of my stuff. I can't believe we're finally going home. It's been so long since I've slept in my own bed.

And, I get to see Mina again. Just thinking about her made me smile.

Oh! I should tell her that we're going to be back early.

I finished stuffing everything into my bags, except for my dopp kit, clothes for tomorrow, and my pajamas.

I jumped onto my bed and called Mina.

"Oppa?" She answers.

"Hi, Minari, how are you?"

"Good, good. What about you?"

"I'm great, but I called because I needed to tell you something." I say.

"Okay, what is it?"

"We're going to be home tomorrow." I say, excitedly.

"Oh, tomorrow?"

"Yup! We decided to head home early."

"That's great, jagi. What time do you think you'll be back? I want to meet you guys at the airport."

"Well, the flight is really long, so I'm guessing around six in the evening? I'll ask my manager to make sure."

"Isn't the flight over ten hours?"

"Ah...yeah, it is. Not really looking forward to that part, but I am looking forward to being home again."

"Me too." She sighs.

"So, what have you been up to today?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot I had something to tell you too."


"Twice is doing another collab special stage with GFriend, GOT7, and Seventeen for an awards show."

"Oh, that's cool."

"Yeah, but um, do you remember the other special stage we did with them?"

(The other stage they did with them)

"Uh, yeah, I think so. Why?" I ask.

"I just wanted you to know that it'll be kind of similar to that."

"That's fine." I insist, "It's just a performance, right?"

I don't know why, but I had a weird feeling about this in the back if my head.

"Alright. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it." She says.

BTS is good friends with Seventeen and GOT7. I shouldn't be worried.

"Totally okay with it." I say.

"Okay, so let me know when you'll be back tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you at your gate."

"Okay, I will. I can't wait to see you again, see you soon, my love."

She chuckles, "See you soon, love."

Mina hangs up and I just lay there on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

I tried not to let that fact bother me, but for some reason, it just did.

It was hard for me to sleep that night, but eventually the tiredness took over and got the best of me.

We woke up extra early. Turns out our flight actually leaves at six a.m. so we'll be back around five in the evening.

We got to the airport quickly, right before our flight boarded.

I quickly texted Mina before we got on.

Jimin: flight leaving now, be home around 5 💕

Of course, it was still kind of early over there so I wasn't expecting her to answer right away.

On the plane, I was sitting next to Taehyung. I tried to pass the time by listening to music, watching movies, and sleeping.

The constant sound of the plane's jets started driving me crazy. I plugged in my headphones and turned the volume all the way up to try to block out the noise and eventually fall asleep.

Next thing I know, Tae is pulling up the window shade to see the plane descending above Seoul. We were home.

I got off of that plane as fast as I could.

Mina said she would be waiting for me at the gate. It was already past five, but I didn't see her.

I looked closer until something caught my eye.

A girl holding a Chimmy doll, my Chimmy doll.

It was Mina for sure. I didn't  recognize her right away because majority of her face was covered. She was wearing a hat and a mask.

She started walking towards me, but I walked faster, hugging her as soon as I got close enough. I didn't want to let go.

I let out a deep sigh of relief. She was finally in my arms again.

She slightly pulls away, her arms wrapped around my torso.

I pull down her mask, revealing that heavenly face I've been missing so much.


Sorry, Mina.

I cut her off by planting my lips on hers. One of my hands went up to her hair, stroking it.

Mina giggles, her lips curling as she smiles into the kiss.

Eventually, we pull away.

I gaze into her eyes, one last time.

"I've missed you, oppa." She says.

"You have no idea." I say.

And then I realized, we were holding each other in the middle of this airport gate, nothing hiding our faces, for the whole world to see.

I was worried at first, but honestly, who cares.

I proudly walked out of that airport, showing my face, holding hands with Mina. People were bound to find out some day. Might as well be now.

Brighter Than a Spotlight (BTS Jimin x Twice Mina FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ