By My Side

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I wake up to the sound of a subtle beeping noise. As my eyes blink open, I realize that my head is lying against something kind of firm. And then I realize I was laying on Jimin's chest.

He was still sound asleep, one of his hands gently resting on my hair. Eventually, the beeping noise stopped, but I'm sure it'll be back in another five minutes or so.

Jimin was so warm. I could stay like this forever. His breath was so soft, I could barely hear him, but I felt his chest falling and rising.

Light started to shine in from the window. The beeping returned and Jimin woke up.

He turned in bed, but stopped when he realized I was still there. I think he thought I was still asleep.

I sat up next to him.

"Good morning~." I say.

"Oh, good morning, jagiya." He smiles sleepily and turns to shut off the alarm clock.

I thought he was going to get out of bed, but he turned back and snuggled up next to me.

"Don't you have to get up soon?"I ask.

"Mm-mm." He mumbles, "I set my alarm early. I thought it was gonna be harder for me to get up."

It was quiet and he fell back asleep. We got out of bed about thirty minutes later.

I was going to go with him to the BTS dorm before they left for the airport.

When we got there, the rest of the guys were loading their luggage into the van. Sana-unnie was there too to say bye.

While we were helping load their stuff, I noticed Jimin hasn't come out of the dorm in a while. The rest of the guys were waiting on him.

"Park Jimin! Let's go!" Hoseok shouts through the doorway. 

Jimin comes running out of the door holding something in his hands.

He steps in front of me.

"Minari, here, I want you to have this." He says, panting.

It was a plush doll resembling a dog in a yellow suit.

"What is it?" I ask as he hands it to me.

"This is my son." He chuckles.

My first thought was "huh?" but then I remember this was his BT21 character that he designed.

"Oh, Chimmy, right?"

He nods, smiling, "I wanted you to have him so you can hug him anytime you miss me."

"Thank you."

This gave me an idea.

"Oh, then here." I say, taking my bag off my shoulder.

Jimin looked curious.

"You can have this." I unclip my Mivley keychain from my bag and hand it to him.

He accepts the keychain and clips it onto his backpack.

"You can't really hug it, but just something to remind you of me." I say.

He laughs softly, "Thanks, Minari."

He kisses me one last time before getting into the car.

Jimin waved at me through the window until we couldn't see them anymore.

Sana sighs.

"You gonna miss Jungkook?" I ask.

She nods frowning, "Yeah.."

Brighter Than a Spotlight (BTS Jimin x Twice Mina FF)Where stories live. Discover now