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My mind is all over the place lately. My last day of work was two days ago. Now I'm off for a few months. Our baby's due any day now.

We've already had a few false alarms, but the real deal should be happening any day. It's already near the end of January.

I'm not even the one who's pregnant, but I'm still freaking out. I'm doing all that I can for Mina right now. I can't even imagine how hard it's been for her and it's not over yet.

We're just waiting. Waiting for our little boy to come out to the world.

Whenever he's ready, we'll be here.

We've pretty much prepared everything already. The baby room is complete, I installed a baby monitor and I learned how to change a diaper. At least, for now. Once the little guy's here, everything's going to change.

I'm ready to finally be a dad. At least I thought I was.

It was around eleven at night and we were both in bed.I was fast asleep until I felt Mina shaking my arm.

I quickly sat up, "What? What's wrong?"

"O-oppa, I think it's time. I think it's happening."

I sort of panicked at first, but I got a hold of myself and called an ambulance.

We had already packed a few bags for when we stayed in the hospital, so I grabbed those before we left.

It was a long process.

So she had already gone into labor, but she was only along the active part. This stage could last up to six hours. And yes, I did my research. I wanted to make sure I knew what was going on.

She was already in pain. I didn't want to leave her side. It had been hours.

"You can go to sleep, oppa. I'm sure you'll wake up when it happens." Mina told me.

"I don't want to sleep if you're not going to sleep."

"I'm trying to fall asleep, it's hard. Don't worry. I'll be okay if you take your eyes off of me for a few hours."

I didn't want to, but I knew I needed to.

I sat down on one of the chairs in the room and tapped out.

I opened my eyes again and it was around four in the morning.

Mina was asleep and I sort of snapped back to reality for a second.

I pulled out my phone and used the BangTwice group chat that we haven't used in so long.

Jimin: Hi everyone

Jimin: sorry to bother you so early, I just wanted to let you guys know that you'll be meeting our son soon, probably in the next twelve hours

To my surprise, someone responded right away.

Jihyo: jimin-ssi, how's mina?

Jimin: She's asleep right now, but we're at the hospital

Namjoon: Maybe we can come visit later

Yoongi: well yeah, after the baby's born

Sana: Jimin-ssi, take care of Mina for us

Jihyo: we'll probably come visit too

Jimin: thanks guys

I tried going back to sleep, but I couldn't bring myself to relax. I was stressed. This is really happening.

Mina woke back up again, but most of the time, her eyes were shut because of the pain.

The doctors did as much as they could to make her comfortable. They used a few anesthetics to try and subdue some of the pain.

I didn't like seeing her like that. She was hurting so much and it was partially my fault. If only we could switch places, I would without any hesitation.

The transition happened so fast. The doctor wasn't even in the room when it happened.

I prepared myself for what was about to happen, yet I still got emotional.

I didn't have to go through it, I just had to be there for Mina.

After about one long hour of pushing, our baby boy finally met the world.

Mina was crying, I was crying, the baby was crying, it was a mess.

The nurses cleaned him up and Mina held our son in her arms for the first time. 

"He's beautiful." That was all she could say.

He was more on the smaller side, which isn't surprising considering I'm the dad. He was about five and a half pounds and seventeen and a half inches in length.

When I held him, I instantly felt like a completely different person.

"Hey, buddy." I whispered to him.

Mina watched me sway back and forth.

"He looks like you." She says.

I tilt my head, "I see both of us in his face."

"So what are we thinking?" She asks.


"His name?"

"Oh, right."

"He looks like a-"


"You read my mind."

"The other name don't fit him as well. Minchan is perfect."

"Park Minchan."

Park Minchan, born on January 28 at 6:32 in the morning, welcome to the world.

Brighter Than a Spotlight (BTS Jimin x Twice Mina FF)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon