You Never Walk Alone

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We've got a few days off for the rest of this week so we're finally going to Kobe tomorrow so I can meet Mina's parents. Also good news, Mina's brother isn't in a coma anymore, but he's still in the hospital for recovery.

Mina's been helping me with my Japanese. I already knew the basics and a few other phrases, but I just wanted to make sure I could talk and understand most Japanese.

"How do you say "dancer" and "singer" in Japanese?" I asked one day.

"Dancer is "odoriko" and singer would be "kashu"."

I didn't want to be caught in a situation where her parents asked me a question and I couldn't understand or answer. That might make me look dumb. I really hope they like me because I don't know what I'm going to do if they don't.

I woke up the next day and started getting ready, gathering my things to head to the airport with Mina. We both stayed in our dorms last night.

My other members were still asleep, so I left them a note on the fridge before I left.

I called a cab to pick us up from the Twice dorm.

Right as I got there, Mina was heading out of the door with her luggage. She saw me on the walkway.

"Good morning." She smiled warmly.

"Morning, jagiya." I help her with her bags.

"You ready?" She asks me.

I nod, "As ready as I'll ever be."

We got to the airport and through security. We arrived at our gate about twenty minutes before our flight was scheduled to board.

We sat down and I checked my phone to see that I had a few messages from Namjoon-hyung.

Namjoon: Chim

Namjoon: just wanted to let you know we might not be home when you get back from your trip

Jimin: That's okay

Namjoon: Alright good

Namjoon: Have fun in Japan

Namjoon: Don't do anything stupid

Jimin: I won't do anything dumb

Jimin: thanks hyung

Mina and I get on the plane. The flight wasn't too long so I just took a short nap, leaning on Mina.

We landed shortly and called a cab to come pick us up. I let Mina do most of the talking.

We got to Mina's parents' house a bit later than we wanted to. There was a bit of traffic on the way there.

The cab drops us off.

I gotta say, when I woke up this morning, I wasn't nervous at all, but that is not the case righ now. As soon as I got out of the car, my palms started sweating, but I tried to act cool.

Mina doesn't knock on the door. She had a key and just let us in. I follow her a bit hesitantly.

"Mom? Dad?" Mina called as we walked in.

I hear something scratching the wood floor in the house and around the corner comes Mina's dog, Rei, running at full speed.

Rei looked happy to see Mina. He kept jumping around.

"Rei! There you are! How's my good boy~" Mina says using her baby voice, crouching down to pet Rei.

"Cute." I smile to myself.

I felt a bit more relaxed now.

"Who's there?" I hear a woman call.

Mina's mom walks into the room.

"Oh! Mina, you're here!" She gives Mina a hug.

"My Mina-chan's home?" Her dad enters the room.

Mina looked happy to see her family. They were chatting a bit while I just stood there awkwardly, waiting to introduce myself. Mina noticed me just standing there.

"Mom, dad, this is Jimin." She pulls my arm for me to get closer.

Her mom approached me first.

"Hi, pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Myoui." I bow.

"So nice to meet you, Jimin-kun." Her mom smiles, "Mina's never been happier. Is she treating you alright?"

Mina laughs, shyly, listening to us.

I chuckle nervously, "Mina's an angel."

I turn to her dad. I was about to bow, but he stopped me. He wanted to shake my hand instead.

"What did you say your name was?"

"Jimin, Park Jimin, sir."

"Park Jimin...nice to meet you."

I was getting mixed signals from him, but I think that's what he was trying to do.

The four of us (five if you include Rei) sat in the living room area and just talked for a while.

"Where are you from, Jimin-kun?" Mina's mom asks me.

"I'm from Busan, but right now we're living in Seoul."


"Oh, I meant I'm living in Seoul with my bandmates."

"Ah, you're in BTS right? You guys are so popular. How long has your group been together?" She asks.

"We've been a group since 2013."

" old are you?"

"I turned twenty-two this year."

"Twenty-two, Mina, he's older than you?"

"Only by two years." Mina shrugs.

"What do you like to do for fun, Jimin?" Mina's dad asks.

"Ah, well you know, we don't get a lot of free time with these kinds of jobs, but I enjoy dancing, singing, reading, and playing games." I say.

We stayed with Mina's parents for a few days. I think her dad got around to liking me. While we were there, Mina showed me around Kobe and the places she used go to while she was growing up.

The day we had to go back to Seoul, it was in the afternoon when Mina and I had to head back to the airport.

While we were loading our things into the cab, Mina's dad pulls me aside.

"Mr. Park," he chuckles, "I like you. You seem like a really great guy and Mina is very fond of you."

He puts a hand on my shoulder and hands me a small red box, with a ring inside.

I look at the box in my hand, and then back up at him, confused.

"This was Mina's grandmother's. I wanted Mina to have it when she found the one."

I felt as if I was holding a big responsibility in the palm of my hand.

I nod, "Thank you, Mr. Myoui. I'll give this to her, when we're ready."

He smiles at me and pats me on the shoulder one last time before sending me off.

I put the box in a safe place. I don't think I'll be needing it so soon, but I will eventually.

Mr. Myoui wants me to marry his daughter. I know I said I'd marry Mina any day, but hearing that from her dad felt so different.

But hey, now I know they like me.

Brighter Than a Spotlight (BTS Jimin x Twice Mina FF)Where stories live. Discover now