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Today's the day of the SBS awards show and the GOT7/GFriend/Seventeen/Twice special stage collab. We got to run through the performance one last time during sound check and then that was it.

I haven't seen Jimin in a while. Both of our groups have been super busy again. We're both going to be at this award show, but finding each other won't be so easy.

Even if we don't find each other in the crowd, BTS is having their own special stage so at least we'll get to see them perform.

The outfits that our stylists chose for the collab stage were a bit...revealing. I mean, I've performed in outfits worse than this, so it wasn't too bad.

The performance wasn't until the middle of the show so for now, we just had our normal photo looks on and then the four of us performing will get changed later.

BTS was actually sitting at a table not too far from us, but we couldn't really interact during the show. Although, I did notice that Jimin kept glancing over at our direction.

There was a short intermission and after that was our collab stage. Everything went according to plan. We got ready in time and got to our places before the broadcast was back on.

We were underneath the stage. The platform would rise up and put us on the real stage level.

Our two girl groups would perform one song separately, and then the two boy groups would join us to perform together.

We stood in the dark with our heads down until the music started and the lights came on. Everything was going smoothly. I tried to sound as confident as I could while I was singing. We finsihed our separate part and then walked over to another part of the stage for the guys to join us.

We stood in our formation until the next song started. The flashing lights and special effects were kind of blinding and distracting, but I did my best to focus.

There was one part in the choreography, where the guy partner spins around their partner while holding their hand. This was a part that Seungwan and I were having trouble with during rehearsals. We practiced this part so many times. We had it down for dress rehearsal and the practice before that, but I think both of us were just nervous.

This part came and Seungwan started the move, but ended up tripping over himself and falling on the stage. I panicked a bit, but be seemed to play it off by making a natural facial expression, making the audience think it was part of the routine.

I fumbled around with my lines right after that happened, but everything else was fine.

The performance ended, all of us holding the finishing pose until the lights shut off once again.

All of us rushed backstage to get back to our seats before the next act. I was on my way to the dressing room when Seungwan tapped me on the shoulder.

"Mina-nuna, I'm so sorry about that, I was just so nervous and-"

"Seungwan-ssi, it's okay. I don't think anyone could tell that it was a mistake, you played it off pretty well." I tell him.

"Oh? Really? Okay, well thanks for performing with us. See you around." He waves and turns back to join his members.

We got back into our normal outfits and sat back down with our group. I was able to relax now that our performance was over with.

The lights shut off once again, this time, the venue shook with dramatic music. The crowd started getting excited. It must be BTS.

They did a dark themed intro and then transitioned into their song of the year nominated performance, Idol.

BTS performances are always so powerful, no matter where they are. I noticed that Jimin sounded worn out. His voice wasn't as strong as the others'. His dancing was still with the beat, but his energy seemed low.

They got to one of Jimin's parts.

"I'm so fine wherever..."

I was watching closely, Jimin didn't finish his line. He froze. Hoseok bumped into him and Jimin collapsed.

I felt myself almost stand from my seat, but I couldn't do anything while they were on stage.

The rest of BTS immediately stopped dancing. The lights went off while the music was still playing, no one singing or dancing.

After the lights came back on and revealed an empty stage, I got up and went backstage to find them.

Jimin, please be okay.

Brighter Than a Spotlight (BTS Jimin x Twice Mina FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora