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Saturday, 4 January 2020.

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andorraroyals Today, Her Majesty Queen Katalina and Her Royal Highness Princess Isabel hosted a women's tea party at the Palace today called the "Tea at the Palace," the event to honor 85 women of wived in the Andorran Armed Forces who died in battle. The event included a series of live performances and gift bags.

Avui, la reina Majestat Katalina i la seva Alteça Reial, la princesa Isabel, han acollit avui una festa del te de les dones al Palau anomenada avui "Te al Palau", l'acte per homenatjar 85 dones de les enèrgies a les forces armades andorranes que van morir en la batalla. L'esdeveniment va incloure una sèrie d'actuacions en directe i bosses de regal.

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