Edton, or Yomu.. yoi?

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Slamming into a wall is what I woke up to, the boat was rocking and swaying violently. The bag on my head was still snuggly over it. I started to slide slowly across the floor I was on, soon I went really fast, and I hit the other side of the room I was in.

I heard the things that looked like me yelling, and loud bangs and screams..along with clashes. My arm was hurting a lot, but it was Barrable. Before I knew it I got pushed back by the rocking of the ship, as they called it.

My head hit the wall Ind I got even more dizzey than a already was. I could feel my head bleeding,  it was warm and stickey, and made me cringe at the feeling. Something loud slammed and I heard foot steps coming my way very quickly.  I heard squeaking, and a slam before something grabbed me by the back of my neck and started to drag me out almost faster than I could keep up.

We went up again, and it was choppy, each step I took was higher than the other was.

The yelling was getting louder and it started to hurt my ears. In no time at all, I felt a col breeze on my face, but I had no time to enjoy it as I got pulled to the side. "Captain I've got her! Is the boat ready?!" Whatever they where talking about it was quick and rushed, in my opinion. "Yes! Now hurry up you sow!" It was the same voice of the woman before!

I started to get dragged again,  and I felt myself get thrown onto the ground. And once again I felt hands on me. Hearing a bang, the hands soon dissapeared, the ship tilted, and I started to slide across the floor again.

The thing over my head started to come loose, and while I slid, it slowly came off, my slide got stopped by something, not a wall either. Turning my head to look, I found myself face to face with a dead man, his eyes where open, same with his mouth, only, blood was coming out of his mouth.

I let out a shreik, and tried to wiggle my way away from him. To no luck I was stuck there, I felt something press to my other side, and slightly over me, looking, it was another dead person.

Crying, that's all I was really doing right now. The yells and shots slowly started to quiet down, though I could not stop my crying. I think I have been with these two dead guys for about thirty minutes now, but it has been quiet for only about 11 minuets.

I heard what sounded like talking, but it could just be my imagination. But soon finding out it wasn't by the sound of footsteps coming my way. Unable to quiet myself I Nuzzled my face as close to the floor as possible.

The footsteps stopped right in front of me, and I wondered if they couldn't find me at first, but that went flying out of the window as I felt the dead body on top of me  roll off to the side. I stopped everything for a second, breathing, crying, blinking, everything.. I was frozen in terror that I would get killed like mother.

I got picked up and cradled, to my surprise. Taking a chance, I glanced at the person holding me to find a teenage blond boy, he had a chiseled face, and a slightly funny haircut. He looked at me and started to walk somewhere. 

"Do you have a name, yoi?" I understood this somewhat, but it was still confusing, how he spoke. I tilted my head slightly, I was holding onto him as he seemed like he wasn't going to hurt me. He sighed as we neared the rail of the ship, and that was when I heard the all too familiar sound of a click, then a bang.

I felt myself drop over the edge of the ship, and flailed a little before I closed my eyes, my legs moved like I was running, I guess I thought that would help. I heard some yelling before I hit the water, but the strange thing was.. I didn't go under, no, I was skimming on top of the ocean like a flying fish!

My arms where slightly sprawled out behind me,  as i ran. Only a little bit later, I felt an arm wrap around my abdomen and I squeaked. "Letmeow gow! I'll kikow yow!" I attempted to harm my captor. Though i stopped as i got thrown onto someone's back and we rose from the sea.

The Story Of Yomu (till i can come up with a better name) [on hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now