Arctic animals

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 I have been walking around for three hours!! What the duck bro!? I can't find a writers store or a place to buy a dang pencil. I have asked seven people where I could buy writeing suplys and I go to where they said but nooooo its not. Frikeing. there!!

I was rather angrily stomp walking down the now sunset lit path with a not amused expression on my face.

Viago was hanging over my shoulder and was trying to hold on as my arms swung back and forth. I looked up at the sky and slapped my hands over my face, this was making me annoyed.

I almost fell over as I bumped into something, it was slightly mushy and clothed. I took my hands away from my face and came face to face with a palar bear. He had a black noes and his jowles where black to. His eyes reminded me of viago, who- oh no!

Viago had started to grow again! I'm getting scrunched! I'm going to dieeeee!

I fell to my kneese and used my un-viago covered arm to push on him with. " get off of me if your going to do this, I mean your crus-" I have now been completely covered by my fluffy friend, he's around 6'foot if I do say. 

I heard someone yell and not even five seconds later viago is off of me. I stood onto my feet and looked around for the beast, finding him chasing the poor polar bear jumpsuit fellow down the path.

 I put my hands to my head. " VIAGO!! DONT CHASE STRANGERS! THEY COULD TRY TO EAT YOU!!" In the blink of an eye I was on said seals back and thwaked him on the head each time I said a word. "Leave!" Bonk "Him!" Bonk "Alone!!" Bonk.

He just kept going like I wasn't even there! " what am I a flea to you?! Listen to me you stubborn seal!!" I grabbed onto his ears and pulled back. How could a seal go this fast on land even, I don't understand!!

"I am so sorry polar bear guy!!" I hollared to brother bear, and he just hollared right on back. I pulled one last time before stopping. I ran and jumped off of his head, landing in front of him I put my hands on his  chest and locked my elbows. Digging my heals into the ground I began to slide back, but he also slowed down. " Run bear man run!!" I yelled at him, to which he did so rather well.

I put my weight onto one leg as I used the other one to step forward with, then switched legs, and began to jog. This had completely stopped viago from going after bear.

I sighed and leaned back after stopping, and smacked him. "What the heck you fool!?" He just slowly started to shrink, and I lifted him up, and glared at him. A small smile broke out onto my face and then I started laughing. "Na Na Na Na Na Naa!!" I set him on my shoulder and pat his head before looking around, we where closer to the hotel.

I started to make my way back when I saw it. I saw the store!! I ran at a normal mans pace to the door and ripped that sucker open. I jogged inside and speed walked through all of the things.

I grabbed a note pad, it was black with worn hand made paper.

A black marker, it had cool silver swirls on the outside.

A pencil, and an eraser.

And a clip book, it was made of wood and metal.

I went and bought the items, which was a total of 63 beli. The man put everything in a box, then tied a roap around it before handing it to me. " thanks bro!" I waved behind me as I walked out the store and back in the direction of the inn.

I took long and slightly fast strides as I wanted to hurry up and get there. Hey, this was the direction the bear went right? I kinda want to look at him more, he was extraordinary.

I saw the inn coming up, and slowed my pace a little. Looking to my right, I saw the bear down the road, he was with a person in a white jumpsuit, and a black hat with a yellow brim. I sucked in a breath and held my free hand above my head and waved it a little.

 "Heyyy! Bear guy! Sorry for my friend for chasing you just a bit ago! If I see you around I won't let it happen again!" After I had said hey. He and the man he was with looked over. I put my hand down and smiled before turning hack and walking into my inn.

I waved to the squirt is I went down the hall and turned. Once I opened my door and went in. I put my backpack down on one of the chairs at the circular table and set my box onto the table.

I turned and walked over to the bed and plopped viago down on it. Then made my way back over to the table and untied the rope that was keeping the box closed. I opened it and took the things out of it. I used some of the rope to tie the pencil and eraser together before setting them in my bag.

I took my folder out of my pack and opens it up. I took the wanted posters out and went through them. I pulled out the white bear, Bepo, and the guy with the white jumpsuit, and yellow brimmed hat. Scratchman Apoo, Eustass Captain Kid, and Eustass's crew mate Killer.

 I flipped each of them over and popped the cap on my marker. On the top of each one I wrote the word, 'seen'. And under that on Bepo's I wrote 'conversed'.

I flipped them back over, and filed them back into my folder gently, not wanting to crinkle them. I closed my folder and wrapped the string around it once, before wrapping the extra string around the button a couple of times. I put the markers cap back on andntied it in with the pencils and eraser.

I set all items into my bag, then grabbed the empty box and walked over and put it in the trashcan next to the door. I walked back over to my bag and closed it up.

 I walked over to my bed, and grabbed onto my pan staff, its name is 'Ryūsei no sutaffu' which means staff of the meteor. I pulled it our of my shirt and set it next to my bed.

Stripping myself of my boot shoe pants, which I made so that when I run at full speed, my shoes don't come off. I hung them on one of the chairs. I took my over shirt off and draped it over my pants before walking back over to the bed and pulling the covers back.

I slipped under the covers, and watched as viago made his way up to me. He was flopping about, then turned and wiggled under the covers. He turned himself around and snuggled up to me.

His head was popped out of the blankets. I draped one of my arms over him, and used the other to turn the lamp off. I glanced outside, and looked at the now night filled sky filled with freeze only able to see a few stars I smiled and snuggled away with viago. Falling into slumber.

The Story Of Yomu (till i can come up with a better name) [on hiatus]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu