Speed of light?

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Everything was quiet, everything seemed to freeze for me, everything felt numb. Stepping forward a couple steps, I stared. Ace died to protect Luffy, that's the last thing he did. My mind raced through the moment over and over again, then, everything just..faded away.

Maybe he was pretending? Yes that was most likely what was going on. Ace was pulling a prank on us, like he usually did.

Falling to my knees. I stared, that's all my body seemed to let me do. Was satre. But wait, if he was pulling the prank, how did the admiral with the magma fruit do what he did? How was this possible?

I was trying to shade the truth over with lies, with fake hopes. He's not breathing, he was motionless, a hole in him. My gaze moved to monkey boy. He was in so much shock, I think he passed out. Forcing myself to my feet, I stood. Now was not the time to do this. Ace protected Luffy with his last breath  and I would too!

Jimbi grabbed Luffy and started to run, this was a smart idea. Crouching down, I shot myself forward, appearing by jimbi, I nodded to him. "I'll cover you, jimbi" he side glanced at me and nodded. "Sorry about this, yomu" I shook my head and slowed myself so I was around 11 feet behind him.

Feathering off to the left, I took out some marines, tripping them and elbowing them in the head, fanning off to the right I took out two more, then made my way back behind jimbi. Once again, ice freezed my feet in place. From my run I fell forward and smacked my face against the ice.. It was cold. Laying there for a moment, I was exhausted.

Putting my hands flat on the ice next to my chest, I flipped myself onto my back, and let out a yell as I kicked my legs and broke the ice. Though I layed there still for a moment, before standing. Looking to the man I turned and started to run again. I gained speed more and more of it, the white film appeared before my eyes again, just a little faster and I would get there!!

 Pushing myself forward, I surpassed the speed of sound, and made a U turn back twords ice man.

Pushing myself, I stared him down like it was my mission in life to kill him personally. He kept delaying me. I would no longer stand for this!! My skin started to sting and I could no longer breath, pushing myself past my limit, I went faster than I could possibly go.

 Before my eyes could really register what was going on, I found myself in front of the man, and brought my fist into his gut, sending him flying. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion.

 I went forward and continued to slam into him, a knee to the face, a punch to the rib cage, a blow to the jaw. Before I knew it we where back at the execution stand. Getting behind him I put all of my strength into my fist as I pulled it back and slammed it into the center of his back.

He formed ice on his hands and made them into spears of some sort and stuck them into the ground, trying to stop himself. Kicking his legs out from under him, I elbowed him in the back and sent him forward. 

I was, I was going to make it my mission in life to kill him. I won't let him stand in my way. Bringing my arm back next to my side, i cought him in the stomach, punching him up into the air and forward. This was a mistake. I can't get up into the air!

Pushing myself forward, I found myself in a hole new situation. A net was thrown in front of my, and tangled me up, making me fall. Smashing into the ice covered ocean, I went all the way through.

I felt so weak, the net has sea stone, to add on to that, I was in the water. Though, I was getting pulled out like I was a new catch of fish. I was met with about six marines. Untangling me from the net they pulled my up with my arms behind my back.

Twisting myself, I tried to free myself only to get clubed in the face with a hard metallic object. I brought my leg up and kicked the man in the jaw, then turned it and kicked the man holding me in the fucking balls because I was not in the god damed mood to be playing around!

 Punching and beating the other marines around me, I found that law was here! In his sub! Looking for Luffy, I looked up to find him being carryed by jimbi who was being carried by a.. Chopped in half flying clown? Moving forward, I fell. Bringing myself to my feet again, I went to move forward only to fall again.

 Cursing to myself, I slammed my fist into the ice.  Pushing myself up I started to slowly walk, before I put force into my legs and started to run. Running underneath the clown, I looked around.

I did in fact tell jimbi that I could cover him. Looking around, I found magma coming at them. How could I stopp that?! Luckily for me, the clown doged. Staying with them I looked around again. More people where here now.

Once again, I felt the sickening cold slam into my rib cage. Flying forward, I found myself over open sea. Coughing up blood, I spun a couple of times.

I hit the water only to bounce off of it once, then started to hurtle twords it again. I had to get up and run. Flailing, I got myself into an upright position. Pumping my legs back and forth I hit the water and took off, though at a slow pace, just inough to stay up and out of it.

Turning, I found jimbi and Luffy flying twords laws sub. They wouldn't make it onto the deck! Pushing myself, I only went a little faster, though, it was fast enough as I fought them and pushed off the water, and slammed onto laws deck. Coughing up more blood, I pushed myself up with my arms, though that was about all I could do at the moment.

I felt someone hook their arms under mine, and start to pull me back. Looking at the war in front of me, I found that ship was there, the one I passed on the way here. And the red haired pirate was blocking magma man.

My head leaned back and I tried as hard as possible to keep my eyes open, only to have them close on me. Looks like I just barely made it in time to maybe save them, to save ace's last breath..

Though, this is most likely my last as well.

At least I got them here.

The Story Of Yomu (till i can come up with a better name) [on hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now