Too much to handle

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It had been around half of an awkward hour. We stopped at a pub to get some food, or drinks. We sat at a circular table, from left to right it went, me, Penguin, Bepo, Law, and Sachi.

Law had a glass of water, Bepo didn't get anything, Sachi and Penguin had a beer, and I had some hot tea. I got up from the table and waved to them. "I'll be back in a second!" Marching over to the bar I got out my money pouch and payed the waiter for everything.

Scurrying back to the table and sitting down I chewed on the straw while sipping my tea, looking into it at the same time. Tea was one of the best things in the world.

Viago was laying across my shoulders asleep. Sachi and Penguin where having a conversation about women, and what they thought was cute. "But what about female bears?" I took in a sharp breath and sucking my straw into my throat. And sure enough I started to choke.

I leaned back in panick and my chair fell back, I landed on my left side and let out a cow like grunt scream. My arm hurt really bad, I'm guessing I'm not the best doctor out there. I shoved my right hand into my mouth and grabbed hold of the straw that shot itself into my throat.

I tugged on it and pulled it out and threw it with hatred. Taking in a deep breath I sat up and grabbed viago by the scruff, I picked the chair up and sat it down before I sat on it.

Setting viago onto my lap, I picked up my cup of tea and drank some of it and letting out a little sigh. Turning my gaze up I looked at the heart crew. Law looked unamused, Bepo had his mouth open, Penguin was smirking while Sachi was trying not to laugh.

I looked back down to my tea and took another sip. "T's some goood tea.." Mumbling I coughed and looked up. "So that weather huh?" I said, and took another sipnof my tea. "What do you mean?"  I looked to Sachi and set my cup down. "Where I come from its rain,  wind, hail, and more rain. So this sun is crazy for me."

Penguin took a sip of his alcoholic beverage. "Have you not been anywhere else?" I let go of my cup and crossed my arms over my chest, leaning back in my chair. "Well, the thing is, I was on my island I think a month ago. And then I was here, I don't know how I got here. But I need to get back soon and get to my mom." Putting my hand to my chin I thought, how did I get here?

"So your going to go back to your island are you?" I looked back to Penguin. "Yeah. That's my plan"

I uncrossed my arms and grabbed my really cup, taking another sip. "What's your islands name" turning my gaze to Law, I set my cup down. It was not a question but more of a demand.

"Seal island" I replayed. Law leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table, weaving his fingers together. "That island was destroyed not to long ago."

I felt everything in my stomach drop. Everything around me stopped, my face held no expression.

Picking viago up gently, I stood and set him on the chair. "Excuse me for a moment" I smiled and waved to them before making my way out of the pub. Once outside, my smile dropped back to a blank page.

How could that be possible? It was Law, he was telling me a lie, right? I was so out of it I didn't notice anyone behind me. I felt a thin cloth go over my eyes and a hand on my mouth before I was hit unbelievably hard in the head.

I wasn't knocked out but it was enough to make me go hazy and drop. I don't know what was going on but I could feel myself being moved around? Maybe getting dragged?

 I don't know how long we where going before I got hit in the head once again. This time I went out like a lite.

~time skip  23 minutes ~

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