Trafalgar Law

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I awoke to something yanking on my hair. Cracking one eye open I looked up, and saw that my dear brother was gnawing on it. "Ughh" lifting my left arm up to push him away, I flinched a little.

Shoveling his face away, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I let out a deep sigh and flipped the covers off, swinging my legs off of the bed I stood. I grabbed Ryūsei, and walked over to the table.

Resting Ryūsei against the table, I grabbed my pants and put them on. Pulling the chair out, I sat down and began to lace them up. Once done, I grabbed my under armor shirt and slipped it on. Tugging my over shirt on, I grabbed Ryūsei and slid it between the two holes in my shirt.

I put my hands onto my head and rubbed them around, making my hair messy and spikey. Making my way into the small bathroom, I turned the water on in the sink, and bent down and sucked some of it in. Swishing it around my mouth I spit it out and repeated two more times, as I had no other means to make my mouth clean.

Turning the sink off, I walked back into the main room and grabbed my backpack. I made my way back over to the bed and grabbed viago, I set him on my shoulder and made the bed. I walked out the door and closed it behind me before walking down the hall and turning into the lobby of sorts.

 I walked to the desk and set the old key back onto the counter. "Thanks squirt, see you round!" I waved back at him as I walked out the inn and down the road I saw bear at yesterday.

Taking a deep breath of the outside air, I smiled. I know that today is going to be a wonderful day. Making my way down the worn pathway, I was walking fast. The pup that I went to before was just down this road! Speaking of wich there it is now.

Just as I was about to walk in I leans forward and jumped back right when the wall exploded.

Then about five feet in front of me stood scratchman apoo. Why was he out here with a destroyed wall? Turning my gaze to said wall/smoke cloud, I saw a silhouette, that soon emerged to be Eustass.

……….I turned on my heal and sped walked at a normal speed away from there. I did not want to be in Eustass's range. After about three minuets I turned a corner, only to be net with a huge back clad in a pair of white wings.

I looked up at them, then slowly made my way around the person. He was rather bulky and tall. He was smiling at a person, to whom I turned my head to.

What is up with Eustass's people everywhere?! Eustass here! Esutass there! Eustass's henchmen everywhere!! I don't want to deal with that creepy basket of mischief!

I suddenly was around 15 feet away from them, and watched. Killer was quite agile and quick on his feet, while wing man had some strength to him.I started to get a bit nervous as it started to get more n more serious. 

Wing man was swinging his big steel collum, while killer was bringing his weapon down. The weapons where about to clash when a man blocked both attacks from hitting one another.

This man was dressed in a blue like leather and had an 'x' shaped scar on his chin. He said something to killer and wing man before he started to walk away. And that's when I saw him.

I smiled big and took a couple of steps forward before taking in a deep breath.

" Ooooiiiiii!! Bear guy!! Heeeeeyyy!!" I hollard as I waved at him. He turned his heard in my direction before stepping a little to the side and more behind a man with a speckled white fluffy hat, and a yellow and black shirt.

 I grabbed onto viago and held onto him in front of me before I started twords Bepo in a normal paced jog. He seemed to shrink a bit. But I continued on, and swerved right around the speckaled cap man.

"I won't let him chase you this time, see he's no harm!" I said as I stood in front of Bepo and held viago up and in front of him. He took a couple steps back and I placed viago back onto my shoulder.

I swing my backpack off of my back and flipped it open and pulled the folder out. I set my pack down by my feet. Opening my folder, I filed through all of the posters before pulling four of them out and closing the folder up again, setting it back in my bag.

 I flipped Bepo's poster around and held it out in front of him for him to see. "I found this in a shop yesterday! You know, out of all of my posters, your the only one that I have actually talked to, and I've only seen like half of the others in person. Which reminds me!" I crouched down and dug through my bag before pulling out my marker and un-capping it.

 Holding the cap between my teeth, I flipped the guy in the other white jumper's poster over. Sachi, he and penguin had the same clothes for the most part. And wrote 'seen' on the back of his poster, I then flipped Trafalgar's poster over and did the same thing.

"There now I have sheen moshed of yewr crew right?" I put the posters under my arm, and capped my marker before putting it back in my bag, and folding the posters back into the folder and putting everything away.

I swung my backpack back on and smiled at him. "Weeell anyways, nice see'n you, Bepo-" I had turned and started to wave to him before I was cut off by a low smooth voice, I turned and looked to its owner, Trafalgar Law. "Who are you?" Was the question that he had asked.

With a smile I put a hand on viagos head. "This is Viago, and I'm Yomu Galloway, or as most people call me.. Uhh The Cheetah Shrew" I replied to him with a sheepish smile. He tilted his head back and I could see his eyes more clearly. He had a smirk on his face which sort of creeped me out. "Will you be going to the human actions later today then? Galloway-ya?" I couldn't help but to let a small 'pfsh' out at his speech impairment, but soon went serious as his words sunk in. "Human auction...?" He nodded his head.

 "Well, uhh I don't really know. I don't know where it is n all so, I guess not. Though I do kinda wanna see what a human auction is like. Though it sounds quite terrible." I said as I put a hand to the back of my head, and one on my hip.

He stood from his sitting position on his crate, holding his nodachi over his shoulder. "You can come with us if you want" he said in a monotone voice. I perked up a little at this.

"Oh, cool! Thanks  speckles!" I smiled at him and walked behind him, Penguin, Sachi and Bepo. Viago laid across my shoulders and I grunted before mumbleing a 'gentle would you?' 

We where on are way to a human auction. I smiled, my body is heavy with exitment. I had a plan, I was going to punch the auctioneer!

The Story Of Yomu (till i can come up with a better name) [on hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now