And so it begins!

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It was rather dark, and I have no idea why, my head hurt and so did my left arm. Why, you may ask? I have absolutely no clue.

 It was warm around me, and whatever I was laying on was slightly wet, and a little cold. My head and shoulder area were being held up, like I was lying against something. It was warm soft and fluffy, and…breathing? Why is it breathing, what is it? I dont know, ask someone else I'm having problems at the moment bro.

Why is it dark, I'm pretty sure its day. But then again I could be wrong…oh wait, my eyes are closed. Struggling, I attempt to open my 599,999,999,999,999,999,999,000 pound eyelids only to have them slam shut again at the blazing light. 'Wow heaven, you want to kill me even more than I am at the moment huh? Well no thank you!'

I mentally smack myself in the head and slowly open my eyelids again, but much slower this time. I am looking at…at… I don't know actually… Wait yes I do it's a tree, a really tall, tall, talllll tree.

I take in a deep breath and close my eyes again, before opening them once more and much quicker than before. What the flip are those?! Clear, iridescent, rainbow colored floating balls? So pretty, I could look at them all day like I do the stars at night. I really like stars, they remind me of fireflies.

It's rather green everywhere and there are big huge roots coming out of the ground covered in moss, with the cool looking spheres floating around. "Hmm…" Just doing that hurt my throat and caused me to groan, which only made it worse. I lifted one of my hands up and to my throat, my arm was stiff and moved slowly. Something wet and calloused pressed itself to my cheek, which caused me to turn and look at it. My gaze locked on a set of large, soft black eyes, surrounded by white fur, its head at least twice the size of my own. This here confused me but made sense.

It was the thing I was resting against.

It pulled itself away from my face and I took a good look at it. It was a huge fluffy white seal. I blinked a couple of times, then used the hand at my throat to rub my eyes and look closer at him. Yes, it was him, it was Viago, but he was huge. "Viago..? Why the hell are you so big..?" A smile broke out onto my face, but my throat felt like a grater was being dragged through it. Viago made a cute little noise and I patted his head.

"Your so huge…like a Sea King..!" He flipped his big head back and a let out a small huff of a laugh. I moved myself up into a sitting position but I was still leaning against Viago due to me feeling like a sore, netted tuna fish.  I stretched myself out, loosening my muscles.  My left arm let out a stinging sensation. Turning to look at it I found that the black fabrick was not its usual, it was harder to see but it was tinted slightly red. I sighed out loud at this. I would have to go and get stuff to fix this and I don't even know if there is civilization on this island.

With a grunt I forced my long legs to move, to get myself up and standing. I stumbled a little before doing a couple of squats and lunges and looked at my surroundings. Ahead and to my right, I spotted a well worn trail obviously used by people or animals. Feeling something at my feet, I looked down to see Viago. He was his normal size again, around three feet in length. I bent down, picked him up and set him on my shoulder. He was hanging off of my shoulder his front fins and head peeking over, holding himself up. This is how we traveled on land. 

I started on my way, taking big strides towards the well worn path grooved into the grass and moss covered ground. I took in a deep breath and could smell something slightly off, the smell of people. We made our way that way in that direction on the split path and was rather enjoying myself, on a walk with my best buddy, walking all funky like, and swinging my arms like there was no tomorrow.

After some time, coming around a bend in the path, I began to walk more normally as things came into view. I spied a small stand, with another after and more agter that. People. Stores. I lifted my good arm and did a little fist pump in the air, throwing my head back., 'Epic! Win!'. Following the smell of food, I stopped at the first stand to see that it had seafood displayed. Fish and sea creatures for sale. Yes!

The Story Of Yomu (till i can come up with a better name) [on hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now