wait...wait...wait...WAIT WHAT?!

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  I awoke to a yelling, and a huge noise. It sounded like a elephant smashing through a steel wall. My eyes opened hardly, they where heavier than before.. Like… 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds. But most everything was numb.

Turning  my head to look to the side, I found freaky things moving up n down. That's freaking me out.

Most of my body was numb, as well as my mind. Sitting up was a struggle, and took me maybe five minutes. Looking around in was in what looked like a medical room. More slowly than not, I got my legs off of the bed.

Looking down at myself, I was in one of those white jump suits, with the heart pirates jolly Roger on it. But, it was left open, and underneath  I was just in my boxers, and the rest of me was wrapped up.

Slowly pushing myself off of the bed, I stood unstably. Looking around again, I was in no luck, I couldn't see anything to help me walk. Slowly I took a step, it was fine, but my body was moving all funny. I slowly made my way out of the room, only to see a huge hole in the roof. Looking to the left, I found another medical room, one with much much more stuff in it than mine.

Leaning against the bed, was a nadochi. I knew this one. It was speckle's. Hobbling toward it, I grabbed it just underer the hilt, I now had a walking stick.

Making my way back out, I found that I moved faster this way, though, my eyes still where half lidded. Looking up, at the huge hole in the upper part of the space, I found that I could see blue sky.

Looking around, I found a latter. Walking to it, I put the nadochi in my jump suit, most of it going down the front of my leg. Grabbing onto the ladder, I started my way up it. My hand grasped onto the side of some of the broken metal, and pulled myself up and onto what seemed to be the roof. 

Where was I..? Taking the nadochi out, I used it to get myself from the… submarine..? Oh, all of this made so much more sense. Bringing myself to the edge, I stuffed the nadochi back in the leg of my jumper.

 Sitting down on my butt, I dangled my legs off of the edge, looking down, I began to scootch myself closer and closer to the edge so I could slide off. Right as I started my slide down, I heard a yell and looked to see penguin, with one of his hands to his head and the other one pointing at me.

I couldn't see him for long before I found myself seeing blue. I think I began to dog paddle, only I didn't move anywhere. My cheeks felt sore, and I poked them with my tongue. Soon I opened my mouth to suck in air, only to get a mouth full of water, making my already sizzling lungs shriek in pain.

My body tryed to cough, and before I knew it I was drowning. My vision went in and out before my body started to stop responding. And eventually went limp against my will.

                            ===========3RD PERSONS POV ! ! ! ! !===========

Penguin yelled before running and jumping off of the edge of the small cliff like shore cut line. Law looked up from the straw hat he was holding, and over to sachi, who was running back and forth along the shore like a headless chicken.

Not too much longer later, penguin popped up and dragged an unconscious yomu behind him. There was some yelling, before a loud scream echoed from sachi.

Law sighed, and put a hand to the side of his head, before he stood up, and started to make his way over to the panicking duo. "What seems to be the problem..?" Sachi looked up at law, and pointed to yomu, while penguin had his hands on his face, both of them blushing.

" h-h-h-h-hes, he's a G-GIRL?!?!" Law looked at his goofy crew members. "You didn't know..?" Penguin shook his head while sachi had a 'of-course-i-didnt-you-fool' look.

"I only recently discovered her sex, it was while I fixed her up.. I haven't known much longer than you two" law said. It was hard, she had a rather flat chest, and the over shirt that she usually wore, covered anything else.

Law bent down and retrieved his nadochi, resting it on his shoulder. "Bring her over here. I don't want her to get a cold, that would take even more work on my part" penguin nodded his head, zipping yomus jump suit up all the way, he got the help of sachi, to hoist yomu onto his back.

Walking over to where law has seated himself, he layd yomu about six feet away on the grassy, moss covered ground. She could dry out in the sun. 

                                        ~~      back to yomu's point of view.       ~~

Opening my eyes sleepily, I awoke to the sight of green strips in front of my face, with white fuzz in the background. Closing them again, I turned onto my back, and opens them half way once again. The sky, and a slight canopy.

 I moved to push myself up, only to cough and let out a scream. My stomach, it feels like someone took a branding iron, and pressed the red hot pics of steal to my stomach. My leg felt  like it was slowly being torn off, pain.. That was what I felt. 

I felt nauseous and queezy. Closing my eyes tight,  I wheezed.. Why can't it just go away?! I felt a cool pressure press to my eyes and forhead. "Calm down, golloway-ya" speckles? His cool hand felt nice, I had to admit, but like hell I could calm down, how the hell am I supposed to do that?! I felt like I was getting crushed by ten tons! 

I let out a pained, going extinct dinosaur type noise.

I heard him sigh, before he removed his hand. "Sachi-ya, go get some ice" why does he always sound like he wants to kill kittens? But, enough of all of this. Where was viago?

That was my top priority at the moment. "Law.." Holy biscuits, am I dying? "Viago.. Where….?" I feel like I could blend food in my throat, like a blender. "He's swimming" swimming? Does that mean he's better? Well whatever if he's okay.. I heard something before I felt cold hit my for head like a tsunami. "..iteehhh" "…Ah- SORRY" letting out a unalived notice, sachi sat next to me, or that's what I heard. Opening my eyes again, I looked at him.

 "So.. You are a girl?" …. "…you..thought I….." why was talking so hard..? "Was.. A boy..?!" He thought I was a boy?! Who else though I was a boy?! Do I really look like one? What the flip zip?! "Do I really look like one?!" He flinched and put his hands up in defense.

 " am I that Manley?!" He brought his now limp hands to his chest, almost like a begging puppies, but more apologetic… And pale. " who else thought I was one?! Is my voice really that deep and oh my biscuits I look like a boo-hooo-hoooyyyy" as I said that last word, I closed my eyes and let out a groan. Owww.

 Opening them once again, I found penguin standing behind a defeated looking sachi. "To be honest, yes, you do look like a guy, you are a little masculine, everyone, but bepo could smell the difference, law found out a before anyone else. Your voice, in my opinion, could be a boy or a girls voice." 

Well, he answered all of my questions. "Where is bepo?" Penguin turned around, and hollared for said fluffley puffly bear.

A little bit later, bepo came running up with viago in his arms…. He looks like a school girl.. Once up to me, I said one word. "Pillow" he stood there for a moment, before he hobbled over to me put viago on his shoulder, and lifter my upper half up nice and slow.

After about three minutes, he had curled up, with my head resting on the side of his belly, and viogo on his chest. Sighing, I closed my eyes, and desired it was best to get some rest. Yes sleep sounded wonderful.

The Story Of Yomu (till i can come up with a better name) [on hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now